
“Colonizer” is clever, but “Racist” seems to be the only one that gets their hackles up.

This is when the mask falls off. They can pretend to think everyone’s all equal until they fight. Then they want to put you in your “place” and how dare they get uppity talking to me. She was probably too smart and unwilling to back down so they went back to racist threats.

Political Evangelicalism is a disease. I don’t understand how adherents legitimately can follow through with these people after reading things like this: it’s a group of powerful white men who have wealth in numbers that is needless, plotting how they’re helping the “little people” in a limousine, all the while fully

Still my favorite Ken Jennings moments of all time:

Trebek: “This gardening implement also means ‘an immoral pleasure-seeker’”

*Ken rings in*

Trebek: “Ken?”

Jennings: “What is a ho?”

(The proper answer was “rake”)

At the very least, it’s starting a movement in Hollywood to overturn the prevailing wisdom that movies with predominantly Black casts and creators aren’t successful. That will lead to more opportunities for Black actors, directors, screenwriters, and producers. That’s a pretty big deal.

I saw a meme on imgur

It’s an allegory, brother

I was Virgo-ing my way through the article because Wakanda is indisputably better (free national healthcare just for starters - also SNEAKERS - and no cultural appropriation) but then I got to

Another snowflake is melting.

I read something recently that said that “white men and women still consider themselves the keepers of intellect and analysis” and I thought “wow, that explains a lot”.

“If you [want] to learn how to celebrate black history and culture during this month you can ask black students at this school instead of patronizing us with Koolaid, watermelon and ribs,” Harris wrote.

6th. The 5th is the one that says if you bring Labatt’s to a cookout you can’t take a Steam Whistle.

You laugh but we’re not going to let these guys back into the country.

Ladies and gentleman, that is the conclusion of overtime. The gold medal will now be decided by a shootout.

“I’d figured it was going to miss once it left his hand, and then when it missed, I was certain of it.”

First of all, everything makes conservatives feel threatened. It’s what they do.

Notice how incompetent trolls attack deep replies for not address the article title, but ignore the fact that the original reply did not address the original article title either? We need better trolls in here; Fox News is not sending their best. They are sending illiterates who use weak Limbaugh-brained straw man

I believe they genuinely don’t mind the help from the Russians. The true MAGA believers think the Russians actually want to help make America great again, an idea that doesn’t stand up to any sort of intellectual scrutiny, much like the idea that Trump actually wants to do the same.

To a point. After about 2 comments, it becomes really reductive though. You can get yourself caught in an infinite regress. (See? He just commented again.)

No, when you act like a racist it’s not “proving your point” when people accurately call you out.