
Go terri-, go terri-, go terri…errr.

This sounds really uniquely interesting as an immersive experience, and the amount of moving parts makes me marvel at it being pulled off (though I suspect I'd do poorly and feel terrible for a long time afterwards).

Man. Besides clearing up things like the crate, another season would likely give the show a chance to really tighten its writing and pacing now that all the characters are in the same vicinity and mostly know each other. Definitely agree about Rajesh (the swelling music when he heads to the truck took me out of the

Yeah, the scientists' scenes really got me.

Lady, I got more drama than I know what to do with.

As a kid, I wanted to become a monk for the cheese, bread, and winemaking skills (wine being a sophisticated drink adults liked). I was going to a Christian school at the time so was actually quite into the worship and religious requirements, until it was gently explained to me only boys could be monks, and, also, we

Aww, that's a shame to hear re: Woodring and Thompson (was there any reason divined for why he shut down the line if you were the last one?). Glad Lay was cool; I think that would have been weirdest if she weren't.

They did draw blood from Jude, and she does refer to kids as opposed to kid. Though it felt like there was some ambiguity in the ways she referred to him and Scotty (iirc she refers to Jude as "beautiful" or similar, which is a little weird describing an estranged son, and her remark that Scotty's Ariel's uncle could

Holy cow, someone else actually read The Fairy Rebel. The flower toys the fairy gives fascinated me for whatever reason, and I'd try to imagine how one could make reasonable (if non-magical) facsimiles of them. Glad to hear it holds up well.

1. At a point in my life, I had an internal, obsessively-checked list that took up a huge amount of mental processing and energy and got in the way of actually seeing what I wanted out of doing things, or felt so huge that I never wanted to get started (and it still happens, but now I feel more aware of what I'm

I've only ever seen those second-hand, but they are really charming. Always wondered why the line stopped — they seem great for kids who don't want to use Duplo but don't quite have the skill/hand strength for Lego yet (which seems to have been their intended purpose).

…Did it also include Understanding Comics, Kingdom Come, and David Boring/Ghost World?

Right about now
The Fluke Stride Mother
Check it oThis comment was deleted.

(nods, adds onto list of idiotking summoning words after "smooth", "twink", "pretzel")

I took a night life-drawing class at a community college once that had nude models. Since it was summer, we were usually the only class, if not the only people in that area of the campus, and most of the building lights, in and out, got turned off. So one model — this 20-something, friendly, very surfer-type fellow —

I'll admit I haven't read all of it, but personally the appeal was how comfy it is: low-key but lovingly-illustrated, and with some cleverness and thought put into its fairy-tale retellings and trappings. That may also speak as to why I haven't sought out the rest of it — there's never really an urgency to the stories

Neat! Also, as someone not heavily into superhero comics (though partly because of their daunting scope), I still found Smith's Shazam! trade enjoyable.

Maybe McNeil's Finder series, especially if your wife likes her art? It does just kind of plunge the reader into a world from the beginning, with both plusses and minuses, though the trades have author's notes in the back. Even though the first story arc sets up main recurring character Jaeger, I think Voice, Talisman,

One of my favorite stories that also has the idea of "just knowing" if a twin dies keeps it ambiguous whether the character actually can sense it or not. It's from the Love and Rockets comics, where an incredibly hedonistic and self-destructive character mutters a similar sentiment in a panel. On the one hand, his

I've understood it as being "terrible people" in a potential date's quotes, where all mentions of exes are accompanied by descriptions, examples, etc. of can you believe how terrible they were, and potential date always comes off near-saint, or "can you blame me?". Because there's a string of bad luck, and then