
I feel like most statements could be improved in Daffy's voice.

shciencshe! (hic)

I would assume you already know the counter to your statement and have heard or read every statement and insight on this topic, so I won't waste yours or my time. But can I at least ask what makes you think this or at least makes you make such a black and white statement?

When one is in a moment where sharing something like that is appropriate or at least possible, it takes on a weird exciting but shameful secret type of identity. As if one is unable to assign just one opinion on the matter.

Glow Cloud, could not be reached for comment. All Hail, Glow Cloud!

I had the Cylon Raider that shot. I had no real opportunity to choke as the tiny missiles were lost in a matter of weeks. I tried other stuff, like twigs but those either jammed or just kind of plopped out.

I tend to see it as the "filter" in which we are viewing the story or when the story was first discovered or shared, etc. Same way I explain away English and earth regional dialects and quirks in something like Star Wars (though not really future but still very alien and removed) so Tarkin's posh British and Solo's

that is the TV movie/pilot Nick Knight. It went no where and later was reworked and the pilot reshot over Springfield scenes and you have Forever Knight!

I will only say that i think Tyger Tyger is a better episode

Nearly as terrifying as Irona

I was little when Alien came out and therefore missed it in theaters. Thing is, I had the Illustrated Story and felt like I had seen the movie. So in a way the chestburster scene. This scene was spoken of in near reverence on the grade school playground and was something reserved for made up scenes that kid who lied

*force rips stitching* I find your lack of fashion sense, disturbing.

I wish I could remember, i have searched manh times for that phrase or quote or anything, but nothing. The only reason I am sure it is real and not some weird fan boy fever dream is I specifically remember where I was and what happened that day. It was a physical therapists and I would read magazines as my leg was

Quite a few years back, before the prequels but around the time Lucas was starting to reawaken some Star Wars buzz for the rerelease, there were a number of article and interviews.

I admit I fell for the sappiness stuff, I do that. But i still raged and bristled at the cliches and tropes and downright stupid. Number one? Smoking. Its as if studios and writers forgot how to portray smoking and the settings and responses of smoking. No amount of privilege or on the opposite spectrum rebellion

all of these theoretical combo abominations make me ponder their larval stage. As someone with an irrational and downright stupid anxiety about larvae, especially grub/caterpillar types, I am about to lose it and light something aflame.

You should have said "Jesus is coming soon" and duck behind the seat giggling like a naughty little urban legend angel

Um... I believe the preferred insult is the clever and biting portmanteau, "libtard".