
Ha I can hear it and now I just realized I am trying to emulate it out loud. My wife is looking at me and thinking "what now?"

God damn the internet. God damn it straight to hell.

When my dad died died a few years back I actually caught myself chuckling soon after I had seen him in his bed. The words, "Mariachi Music", entered my mind and it basically told me "your dad died, that IS sad. Yet most of the rest of the world plays on. Does it feel bad? Probably. Will it stop for you? Nope."

Intriguing, yet horrifying. I tried to figure what mechanics and physiology was Involved in order to make that happen. The kind of rubbed/hugged the victim as if to get digestive juices close but maybe had millions of rasp type bristles that helped strip the pre digested flesh off the bones.? And don't even get me

Sometimes I just mention this movie's name and my wife icks out

Is this after the Musical Episode? The one where Coulson's former buys an old harp which turns out is Asgardian. It turns out to have belonged to Bragi, Norse god of poetry and music.

Thank you io9ers. Thank you for not claiming to know or know of kuds named Lemonjello or Orangejello.


It is storytelling. A character goes against the grain of what is the relative norm and in turn is notable.

I know I am preaching to the choir here but for my sake and frustration I must say this, "Lightning in a bottle". All other attempts (some closer than others) have been vain in their attempts to recapture the beauty that was and is the WB animated series.

We do have some of the best tap water nationwide and that's not just opinion. That said, Portland gets a little eccentric about their watersheds. We are among those cities that don't cover our water and therefore causing many to go on about "sabotage" and other scenarios.

Her ho-down pieces are alluring

a few of us were it seems. I was messing with dvr settings and happened to jump right to the hottest butt/weirdly shadowed nipples scene in 90s film. Laura Hall was severely under appreciated.

I did chores to earn money for Atari's version of Berserk a also Pitfall. Berserk was 24 dollars, whichbin 1983 was amazing for me at twelve years old.

I appreciate the tone of this piece. I am no stranger to snickering or rolling my eyes at the latest "Mc-" girl name or aforementioned "-Aiden" names but I have read some downright cruel articles and comments regarding baby names. (there's a lot)

I'm stunned.

Um.. if you were offended and regard my post as "troll - bait" then I fear my efforts to convince you otherwise would fail entirely.

Rose>Amy Pond... barely