
enjoyed that thinly veiled, er.. I mean blatant, snark immensely.

I hear ya, mine is fake sea creatures. The submarine ride had these giant bass and a sea serpent and I used to imagine myself swimming among these giant fake fish and it was is awful. Ugh, it still is.

Who cares about life, how is the snow pack?

I was going to say something too, thanks for highlighting Mr. Taylor's work. Not just because of the need for corrected information but personal reasons too. My dad grew up knowing Molt and I met him a few times. A very simple living, but brilliant man. He had an aerocar at his shop in Kelso, WA at their little

"Global warming", is really not a proper term. Warming trends are merely a small part of climate change science. Cooling, drying, raining.. call it what you will. Stuff is changing. Some by natural order, some by artificial.

Man, the Pac NW was a crazy toxic dump in the war years! Though same could be said for much for much of the US, but it seems that every now and then I hear another chunk of information about some weird dumping, experiment or project that happened in my vicinity back when Grandpa was young. What is weirder to me is

I could easily see a side business of beautiful women (or men) who one can hire to scratch your back or other areas... much like a massage parlor. Some would be up and up and some would be seedy of course. Whatever floats your boat.

30lbs of good, healthy, pretty NW girl weight

Portland, Oregon would mean no umbrellas. Only businesspeople and steam punk cosplayers carry those up here

Perhaps there is a silver lining. These are essentially a documentation for later court hearings against abusive mothers.

Well, if they lived in a hister town, yes. Come to Portland and see. It's interesting. It's the same with moms and their babies. My wife gets a kick out of the whole "My kids are more grubby and earthy looking than yours" image that these moms point out. The first few trips out to play areas my wife would get our

Shockwave could be put in a pretty dress and holding a lollipop on the cover of anything, and I would still buy it.

It is a matter of physique. When comics bulk up and stop being schlubby, affable oafs or pale, skinny geeks they tend to become assholes or simply not funny. It's a silly joke observation some friends and I made but I am thinking (at the risk of stepping to body shaming territory) there is something to this. Joe

Would so love to be a "tumbleweed wrangler" on a film set.

I am curious about its egg tooth use. Part of the process of hatching and using said tooth is to strengthen the chick and aid in stimulation for its life outside the egg.

So I read that as "spockpiling" and while I admit it as not too funny, at the time I admit to a light snicker..

Perhaps it is approaching an evolution where the secondary arms will be vestigial?

ah yeah, beat me to it

Thank you thank you thank you!! I actually posted the same thing on here.

The term "third wheel" is incorrect. It never makes sense. It just conjurs the image of a tricycle or a big wheel, which is pretty cool and stable. FIFTH wheel is the correct term. This shows the uselessness of said extra wheel. I think what happened is one time someone mixed up "two's company, three's a crowd" and so