
“The legendary pony car began life in 1963, then was brilliant for about 15 years, then was bad for the next 25 or so years, and then became good again with the fifth generation in 2004 and became even better with the sixth generation, which debuted in 2015.”

The legendary pony car began life in 1963

Good article on the New Car but crappy research on the history, it was released in 1964 as a 1965 model, was brilliant for six years, ok for the next three, totally sucked the following four then started to become awesome again in 1979.

Oh, Erik. The Mustang’s history is very well-documented and many people know it by heart. There is no excuse and no mercy for those who get it wrong.

Edit, the Mustang was first revealed to the public on April 17, 1964.

The legendary pony car began life in 1963 April 1964, then was brilliant for about 15 years, until 1971-1973 when it became a bloated mess, then was bad for the next 25 or so years, absolutely terrible from 1974 to 1978 when it was a Ford Pinto with a different body.

But how can you do better than:

Shaheer stupidity.

You do you, of course, but every time peope use perjoratives like “Herr Asshat” or “D. Turnip” or “orange Frankenstein” (I just made that up) you take a way a little of the credibility of your argument. Your message is weakened and people gloss over what you say.

You know the “peegate” stuff is absolutely fabricated by Russian Intelligence services and promulgated by someone paid by the Democrats to dish up dirt on opposition candidates, yet you knowingly use it anyway. See, this is why we can’t have nice things. You should just ignore it like it was a fake Kenyan birth

Holy shit, I hope you brought a rope when you climbed up your own ass, so somebody can help pull you out. You built a rat rod, you didn’t cure cancer. If diverse opinions scare you so much maybe the internet isn’t for you.

If that is the case the dashcam owner practices backwards courtesy which is a leading cause of congestion, annoyance, and collisions. Backward courtesy is where the person practicing it decides to be nice to person A at the expense of person B instead of following the written rules of the road.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

I’ve experienced the opposite: Was too good at my job, got promoted to a manager and was told to stop doing the thing I was good at and become a baby sitter for people who sucked at the thing I had been very good at. I hated it, but stuck around because $$$$$$.

The Infiniti M45. The weird ride height, huge overhangs... Doesn't matter, it's a beauty!

The Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic.

Am I the only one who’s kinda “meh” on Miuras? I feel like they belong on the next list, the ugliest beautiful cars. Sleek shape, of course, but the holes in the hood and the vents behind the doors stick out like sore thumbs, and, maybe it’s just me, but I prefer my headlights pointed at the road instead of the sky.

everyone will agree that it isn’t right or justified but most will also agree that if you agitate someone long enough and the proverbial finger-wag-in-their-face long enough, you will get hit, or in this case swerved into.

can be summed up by: 'play stupid games win stupid prizes'

I suspect you don't know anyone with a new Land Cruiser.

I don't think rollovers are terribly common, especially for low cars, which convertibles generally are. Side curtains don't matter if there isn't anything to hit your head on.