
My wife called me from work and said that the brakes went out on the way to work and she didn't think she could get the car home. I went up to her job and switched cars and told her to pick me up from the garage where I was going to drop it off. It had no brakes. None. I used the emergency brake (left pedal on the

Driving my mom's minivan on a long trip when I was 16, with my mom sleeping in the passenger seat. We were going through the mountains, when I drive into a cloud of smoke and my visibility drops to nothing. I laid on the brakes and my mom wakes up yelling at me. She finally stopped yelling when I just pointed out

"It'll kill the BMW M3." That's the totally original sentence that GM's Mark Reuss used to describe the Cadillac ATS-V. Nobody has ever tried to kill the BMW M3 before. No sir. And while we don't yet have full specs, we do have these: The first ever shots of the ATS-V Coupe. And it has the look to scare the shit out

You're one of the ones that give the good riders a bad reputation. You're on the road, you need to obey the law. Unless you think lane splitting is a good idea in a car, you should accept that it is not a good idea on a motorcycle.

Recent news from English Russia: a man appears to have attempted to steal a train. It did not end well.

I had the turbo 4 XT with a 5-speed (I also had that Subaru wagon in the commercial). It was a great car. I walked away from totaling it with an in-the-air sideways triple flip. My worst accident of all time. I still miss that car. Strippers loved that car...

Supra, Rabbit, Topaz... what year is it?

I pass one of those regularly and often consider stopping to ask how much they'd take for it. It looks mint (at 35 mph driving past it).

I honestly don't know why anyone would pick a turbo 4 over a V6, and definitely not over a V8.

I have a Ford Fusion, all power, leather... stick. It blows peoples' minds.

Using that logic everyone driving a white/grey/black Charger, LTD, Explorer should be charged with impersonating a police vehicle.

As someone who has been a motorcycle rider for about 30 years, "stay in your lane."

I had a Subaru XT. It was, to this day, the most awesome car I have ever owned. And I have owned a ton of cars. I got a ticket doing 126 in Georgia heading to Florida for spring break with two strippers in the car.

Was I supposed to laugh? I'm pretty sure I was supposed to laugh.

I have a Ford Fusion, all power, leather heated seats, power sun/moonroof... stick.

If you lane-split, you should be fully aware of the high likelihood of dying. As long as you accept that, go for it. You're not going to hurt the guy that runs over your head. I have been riding motorcycles for about 25 years now, and I will not lane-split moving cars.

14% unemployment, constant bailouts, and government run everything...

It's quite well written... for an eighth grader.

The major barrier to carrying out this staged sampling system was obtaining law enforcement support for the survey. In some localities, city attorneys or law enforcement leadership with concerns such as potential liability and scare resources declined to participate. In these cases, substitution PSUs were obtained.

Best car I ever had for burnouts was a 1982 Chevy Citation. And a brother who worked at a car wash and brought home spray bottles of silicone tire shine, which was not supposed to be applied to the driving surface of the tire, for obvious reasons.