
I had a Dodge Omni with a VW Rabbit engine in it... they were very similar.

How to spot a bad salesman (all of these are personal experience):

I loved this truck. If only they had priced it "right". It was about 30% too expensive for the demographic that would have wanted it.

There are three of these in my apartment complex parking lot. Dozens of them in my town. They were a very popular seller around here. Suzuki in general was a very popular brand around here, easily beating Subaru and Mitsubishi, and running neck and neck with Mazda, Hyundai and Kia.

It's so ugly though...

I would so rock that as my daily driver. Because the only thing that could make that more outrageous is a middle class, 40-ish, fat, white guy stepping out of it to grab a Mt. Dew at the corner convenience mart.

California's statute setting forth the penalties for actions such as this, which can be referred to as "How much will it cost, lady?" sets forth the going rates for tapping a teen (so, as long as you have the money...) (before people go nuts, this is a tongue in cheek response, and 16 has been acceptable for far

Best FedEx commercial ever.

Notice all of the big rigs that can stop just fine? If you are driving 10 mph faster than the rigs on dry roads, fine. If you are driving 30 mph faster than the professional rig drivers that definitely spend more time on the road than you do on snowy, rainy, or icy roads, you should accept your death gracefully.

I prefer the third generation. Or, as it should be called, "the Miata before there was a Miata".

My parents had one of these that my brother managed to total three times before my dad gave up and stopped buying it back from the insurance company. It was a horrid little car.

Three words, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. "Pretty minor events in the grand scheme of things."

Then you have raised kids with no concept of the importance of history.

Nuts. Pick your connotation.

I've had two cars with bizarre transmissions.

I have a 2006 Ford Fusion, all power, sunroof, leather... stick shift.

Cash for clunkers didn't affect these cars, right?

Your quadruple post is scary...

and those big white signs are pretty easy to see to let you know exactly what is expected of you.

As close as this person was getting to the surrounding cars, they obviously had a good grasp on the dimensions of their car.