Jeremy H formerly Kalakaboooom

Rob Tittle and his daughters were family friends of ours, out in Mayflower, Arkansas. 'Rob was doing what a man does—putting his family first and trying to get two of his daughters to safety—when the twister hit.' (full story) He saw most of his family into shelter under the stairs, and turned back to find two of his

[Our thoughts go out to everyone, gearheads and otherwise, who were affected by the tornadoes in the South. This picture is what's left of Daniel Wassom's house and hot rod. Wassom died protecting a family member. Photo credit: AP]


I bought and sold my first 12 houses without an inpection and married my first 6 wives after just a couple weeks of dating. No problems so far! Maybe when I'm in my 30s I'll take a more mature perspective.

I know a sinkhole swallows, but this one really sucks.

Frankly I hate it, makes me look like a pervert if I ever tried viewing photos of cars with women modelling in public, all I want to see is the car! If I wanted to look at gorgeous and sexy women Id go watch some porn spend the evening with my wife.

This is craigslist we are talking about. I would make no assumptions, especially about ass wiping.

I like how you call this guy a typical Porsche douche when you yourself drive a cobalt SS...

Awesome, though I wish they'd chosen a less dowdy car more deserving of the exotic setting...


That is all.

Then it had to go to the Hennessey shop for 6 weeks of repairs because it's a Hennessey.

Would you like some french cries?

Not really—if you do most items yourself, it's a time suck, but otherwise not too bad. Porsche's even had to lower their prices on certain OEM replacement parts to compete with the aftermarket.