Jeremy H formerly Kalakaboooom

Don't forget, if it's absorbing moisture, it's also lowering its boiling point which makes your brakes less effective

I think usually what most places do, is test it to the standards of the year it was made. However it is California, and they get pretty stupid with some stuff, I mean hell the car is so old, most places might not even have the specs for a car made in 1981

Unless someone has removed all that smog stuff, wouldn't be surprised if there is a straight pipe on that thing.

Not in California, if it's registered in CA, it has to pass smog, HOWEVER, you can get antique plates for it, that is one way to get past emissions, but you can only drive it a certain amount of miles or on certain days with antique plates.

ANY decent running car that can be registered and not kill you on your daily drive is worth 1,711, especially one that looks like it's been taken care of. Plus I'm a sucker for the 80's boxy shape.

You win the internet for the day

"Concrete-carrying truck accidentally dumps load in road"

I'm sure when the person driving the smart car's insurance company saw what they hit, they probably shit quite a few bricks.

Everyone get off of it right now so I can make mine! Stuck at the damn loading screens when I'm clicking next

And they actually didn't fix anything but they did sell the hood and wheels.

Shit man if you could get a beater on fuchs for less then 3k it'd worth it. Get them powder coated and you are good to go. I'm lucky I live in dc and anything 944 related is dirt cheap right now at least

You win this round.

But how does the tobacco burn with no oxygen??????

Yeah, if I own a car, I'm going to drive it, and if I love the car, I'm going to drive the absolute shit out of it, regardless of what it is. But, a super rare car equals super rare parts. I have an 86 honda, and I'm already beginning to have trouble finding parts, my seat belt retractor recently stopped working, and

I'm doing a clutch job on my 944 right now, cheaper, yes, and DEFINITELY a time suck, but, at the same time it's fun. It isn't as bad as one would think, but for someone getting into rally/racing on a budget, it shouldn't be a choice at the top, I mean just off the top of my head, slotted zimmerman rotors run what,

It is a nice car and if everything checked out on it 15 might seem like a reasonable price to start from, but if it really is the only one in the states, anytime anything breaks on it, it's going to be a massive bitch getting parts

I would love to rally a 944, but the parts and maintenance are too expensive for someone on a budget.

Yeah it is pretty sad. And looks like the driver did die, that sucks.

Well the update says one person was killed. Chances are it was the driver, the size of that fireball it probably became pretty big pretty fast, probably didn't have a chance.

Holy shit is the driver okay?