Jeremy Sarrasin

The problem is that the major console companies are thought of like networks are thought of on TV. They're the throughput of the channel. They're held responsible for the content on their medium and they have to be responsible for it because the gaming industry is still very much a private thing unlike the internet.

Man... I don't know what to say to this... The idea is just insulting really. It's so ridiculous, especially the price... To charge that much for something that's so available and so much cheaper than that... What a scheming #$%#$. It's like he thinks the whole world is stupid but him.

Hmm. I need to tell my dad to put another mortgage on his house so we can rent an air ship!!! That would be one hell of a vacation...

Age of Empires! That one would be perfect for flights!!!!

@Williamh85: HAHAHAHA right after I read through that I noticed when I reloaded the page it was muted and had a little speaker icon on the logo to click the sound back on. Funny stuff. Great link!

@NarooN: I'm wondering the same thing. So far, I've tried a couple methods for saving flash games and I even tried saving the whole web page. When I look at the source, there's no *.swf files to find at all which must mean it's not even flash. As for saving the entire page, well the image just seems to stay frozen,

@max40watt: Heh, however grim my comment was it was mostly a joke, but, your words are uplifting.

@Peanut The Kidnapper: That would be nice. I thought the vocal harmony lesson in the Beatles Rock Band was a really nice thing to add.

$4000 to make that? Apparently my parents should have told me to be a fitness consultant. Too bad my enthusiasm goes into shoveling down popcorn while watching suits like that.

@interkin3tic: So who do I buy it from? Wal Mart? Blockbuster Video? (ugh, I hate what those guys did to video stores in my town)... Best Buy??? Who? I'm starting to think there's only evil stores where I live...

@Spoony Bard: Okay so now I'm pinned against the wall because I should be saying grossed out by a physical act rather than grossed out by a sexuality. Well I suppose that ignores my entire argument about the fact that you're directly targeting phrasing instead of trying to read into intended meanings. Fair enough.

@max40watt: hahahaha damn. well, what's the point of anything then? *bang!*

@Platypus Man: I should have tried playing Super Princess Peach. I'll admit I just wasn't man enough.

@BMCJ: Heh heh. Paper Bag +5% negotiating power.

The helmet doesn't stay on during the sex scenes does it?

@k1dsmoke: Mario 64 is wonderful. I've played so much of that game and I could still pick it up and play it all over again from the beginning.

@Madness87: I see what you're saying. If we're able to remap buttons then different people will have different abilities to perform certain actions at any given time depending on what buttons they can reach at the same time. So people are unwittingly handicapped in the game against others who chose a control scheme

@Spoony Bard: I'm feeling quite lost reading all this... You know, I look at my old best friend and I say "penises are gross" then he looks at me and he says "vaginas are gross. haha you like gross stuff."

@Graywing: When I look at the characters in games like GTA where you see that sort of thing, it helps to think about the fact that the normal people wandering around might be normal gay people. They're not really talking about their preferences. They're just walking around minding their own business, or cussing each

@mithrilfox: Howdy. It seems like this discussion went every direction you feared it would am I correct? It is pretty easy to see that you're just trying to say as a straight person you don't find the sexuality of homosexuality appealing. Well if you word it as though you're seriously disturbed you're going to get