
... or if this happens Disney ends up paying less in taxes than they already do. They currently maintain their own civil services (power, fire dept. maintaining roads) and they pay for that. If this goes through it will be on the residents of the Florida. Did you read... hmm... did you understand the article?

Except that it’s illegal for the government to retaliate against an individual or corporation for taking a political stance.

This is why I tell folks to LEASE when the tax credit is still available — that amount gets credited on your lease price. Its what I did when I leased a Volt some years back.

I dunno about servicing it locally but I can likely source you the car and have it shipped.  Hit me up for more details -

I know someone who works in marketing for Kia and they despair at the dealers. The website is excellent, cars are excellent, everything is great until you meet the dealers in their un-ironed uninformed selves.

Hi’s me again. Anyone wants an EV6 I have a hookup that will source them at long as you are patient. 

I simply take this to mean that they have sufficient sales walking in the door to not have to bother with maybe-they-will-maybe-they-won’t e-mail/phone call deals. The MASSIVE KIA dealer near me that normally has a couple hundred cars on the lot currently has about 20 - and half of them are probably used. I doubt they

That vehicle is expensive! Fifty thousand dollars+, for a weird looking hatchback Kia.”

It’s also an globally sold EV Crossover (nominally) it’ll sell just fine. 

As electric cars require much less maintenance why is there a need for dealers? Why is the direct to consumer model (AKA Tesla) not viable? Is this government, lobbyists and big money trying to save the buggy and whip? Or is there more to this?

Why do you assume they don’t want to sell? Maybe they’re getting selling just fine with these garbage tactics? I mean, they have to make money, and I can’t imagine they’re deliberately sabotaging business. They’re just getting as much money with as little hassle as possible.

OR, all of this also applies to the Telluride and those are selling just fine. They’re not requiring credit checks, adding markups, and not dealing with phone or online buyers likely because the cars are selling on their own just fine.

Both seem pretty arbitrary to me. I just want the thing paid for before the warranty is up, at the lowest possible interest rate.

You see a lot of 6 year old cars falling apart?

Yeah, with a 3.XX% rate and index funds returning an average of 10% over the long term, I’m not incredibly worried about a few thousand in interest but you do you.

But then you couldn’t pretentiously tell everyone how they should be debt-free like you would be.

What’s clear to me from these replies is how many people are willing to be miserable in the back seat, and how some even gloat in their willingness to suffer in order to do what? Prove a point? Congrats guys, you are tougher than me. You win. Enjoy driving your Sparks and Versas.

I welcome you to sit behind me, an average height man (5' 10"), in the back seat of a subcompact car.

If you can afford to pay off a car in 12 months with only a couple grand down, you can afford to buy it outright. If you can afford to buy it outright, it is beneficial to get the longest finance term you can while still keeping the lowest possible interest rate, because then you can do other things with your money