
My CS clan (PC) was PoF... Prisoners of Fornication.

Nobody gives a shit in the real world.

I wonder how many angry e-mails Budlight with Lime and Prescott Pharmaceuticals are gonna get this week.

that's the main problem. 1 month, whatever, but 1 year...damn. I'm glad I didn't bother with the season pass on this one, or else I'd be more irritated by pre-purchasing gimped DLC

There's also the important question of how it's distributed once that year is up. Does anyone who bought the DLC get it, or do they have to buy it separately?

But Bungie owe their current status to the Xbox. They became famous due to Halo which was an Xbox exclusive. They've gone completely against what they've done over the past decade.

Completely disagree. The problem here is that Sony players won't be paying for anything - Xbox players are paying the exact same amount as Playstation players yet getting less content. That is inherently bullshit.

No, metal is *different* from pop. All music from from similar genres sound the same. My husband plays guitar, and he likes to joke that if you downstroke a power chord, you get metal. If you upstroke, you get ska. One is not better than the other, its a matter of preference.

I have been waiting for A$AP Rocky to realize that I am his girlfriend. The time is now. This works out nicely for me.

Dude, you might be right.

Anyone who has had a lower back injury can see that "Oh fuck. I can't move" face a mile away

This sounds like grownup Georgia Nicolson and I love it.

Those goddamn vents better be functional...

Well hopefully we'll see him do that to the Broncos in the Super Bowl.

I've seen substitutes go much further. Kirk Cousins actually fucked his team.

Personally what I want to see the most are the changes (if any have been made) to Halo 4 to see how much it was held back by the last gen, the changes in Halo 2 Anniversary, and the additional plot stuff relating to Halo 5.

It's always that way with right-wing rhetoric. You can't be over-the-top, because they're already there, and they're actually serious.

Heaven forbid anyone should cater to anyone besides you.

FACT: "SJWs" keep an "Ally/Enemy" tally in their secret meeting hives and use it to determine what forms of media they will allow to be released in the future. Illuminatilluminatilluminati

Katniss is about as flawed as it gets. But among those flaws just happens to not be every single stereotype about women. Starbuck, who is the quintessential tough ass kicking chick, is also an extremely flawed character. Big difference between flaws and stereotypes. And there's also a big difference between