
Brand identity I guess. The smooth front on a Tesla is cool but now that’s Tesla’s deal so you can’t really grab that. I like Bmw for other things but I’d be lying if brand identity wasn’t important. I got the light package for that reason.

I wish, they get a discount on leases. Just a 3-series owner and car fan. Tesla isn’t quality or sport performance focused. Plenty of time for other manufacturers with experience in both to make a dent.

Nah. Seen both a new 7 with black grille and several X7s on the road and its appropriate for the size of the vehicles.

I’ve always wanted to try one out but was content with my current gym not to switch.

Yeah idiots just get a garage and put a gym in there.

The YMC is packed after 3.

Guess that haven’t listened to a Meek song since House Party.

Championships is platinum and went #1, he’s not D-list. He’s in the news more often for activism in Philly and his shitty trial, he doesn’t need to try to make the news.

Agree to disagree re: Edm. Not every producer is just hitting play on the stage.

If you want to get your sea legs back there’s stuff to do now that will warm you up for PvP encounters.

Dungeon, not a raid. The raid content isn’t available yet

Hard disagree. Far deeper than MEA and combat really takes off when you get to GM1. Hard is a small taste and infinitely more entertaining than normal.

I donno, particularly when you level your build and get deeper into the primer/detonator combos and needing to remain mobile, its more than mildly entertaining. That’s not to mention specific builds for groups for GM content.

It definitely feels completely different than Destiny. Any comparisons fail, beyond some verticality. Whereas in Destiny it’s temporary, this game has a huge amount of reliance on vertical movement, especially with the Storm jav.

It reminds me of Inquisition with the big open world. Combat and movement is definitely top notch, best I’ve felt from a BioWare game, more so than Andromeda. Not awkward or anything. Sound and movement feels really good. Only played solo so far, waiting for my friends to get on so we can try some squad stuff. Looking

60 hours?

I am an unabashed lover of Zac Efron and am very much looking forward to this.

Was he mainstream?

A smaller streamer... with 7-14 people who watch max? That’s not small that’s nonexistent.

Mainstream media reported the game as it was: a beautiful sandbox game with a good social atmosphere but lacking lacking gameplay and a shallow activity loop, which is true and in some respects is still true.