I went to school in WNY and coming from an area of PA that rubs elbows with rural folks I was genuinely surprised at how open and liberal many (most) of the rural residents of WNY are.
I went to school in WNY and coming from an area of PA that rubs elbows with rural folks I was genuinely surprised at how open and liberal many (most) of the rural residents of WNY are.
I’ve added malaka to my list of “words used as curses that I learned from video games.”
Same. Even if they did a “Are you sure you want to scrap X?” check I’d be cool with it.
Wow, what a reference. I saw them live in like 2005. I didn’t even realize they had a Christian slant until like 6 years later.
When you hit 5 it has that splash screen where it says you don’t hurt people in your team and people doing the same event as you, right?
Won’t the new 340i be similarly priced to that?
Not sure if this was just the Beta but in the event in that one compound where you’re trying to attract a Wendigo I kept damaging fellow event doers.
Not sure I agree with the pick up everything.
I hope they add some sort of (wholly optional) management stuff on the next part of the series (has it been confirmed it’s a trilogy at all?). It got a little much in some of them, I think mainly AC2: Revelations, but it is a nice little side thing that makes you feel part of a larger whole. Doesn’t make sense for…
Bored cops in some little township who finally get to go “this is our moment!” and live out those moments they fantasized about since they first watched Cops.
This guy sounds like the worst neighbor ever. I live in a 95% residential urban area and there is just enough parking for everyone, if some people park in their rear spot if they have one.
The Examiner? Bruh...
Falsely accusing rape is accepted?
Because it’s dope af
It’s finished, with added content coming.
Spent about 15-20 hours in the Beta, unfortunately my Power Armor ed won’t be here until tomorrow (luckily work has kept me too busy to really mind!) and I’m looking forward to not feeling rushed to accomplish something in a window. The last day of the Beta I was by myself and just took my time and I enjoyed it a lot…
I hope they drop the Minotaur in again, that was a difficult fight that I enjoyed immensely. Felt so satisfying to beat it!
There’s an in-game explanation involving the first civ.
I’m a maxed out everything specced for combat and I beat him in about 3 minutes without a sweat.