He has had a rather weird string of bad luck.
He has had a rather weird string of bad luck.
I really want to play Forsaken, but I bought into the hype and got the DLC pass and such for about $100 and then never even finished the firstborn DLC.
I knew where these places are and imagined them. I bet the drive on the highway to/from Duncannon was a bit fun, that road gets pretty reckless at certain hours of the day. The tightness also lends itself to the feeling of speed.
Yeah I agree. Why does it need to be remade so many times? Is it an old person thing?
Trump needs to be the last Boomer as president. They’ve had MORE than their share of presidents and it’s time for another generation to step up.
I dislike them as well but mostly because I don’t want a speeding ticket. Also everyone drives like idiots behind them on the highway until someone figures out they’re not a cop and speeds past and then everyone goes back to normal.
That’s cool and stuff but also the screens look ridiculous. Gotta be a better way to integrate them.
I wouldn’t say the 5 has gotten more innocuous. The 18 looked sportier than ever and I’m sure the 2019 model will be more divisive in terms of styling. Angry beaver and all that.
Dang, I felt bad about not taking SEPTA while in the city for a festival because I like to support public transport in large cities, but dang I’m kinda glad we Ubered instead.
I’m playing it right now, it was on sale on Xbox for like $5. The controls are a bit clunky and I’m like 8 chapters in and still haven’t gotten used to it, but otherwise its fairly basic as far as gameplay. Not as satisfying as Gears cover play but still.
You know you’re probably right about the DLC... they could come out with a Royalty pack and it would make sense given the game is set in the UK.
White teeth are just like anything else - a status symbol.
I’m sad there are no Rolls in a Horizon game in the UK :/
In terms of costume and production value and putting on a Show (capital S) she was number 1 at MIA.
I’d get a 500hp crossover modeled after a coupe. X4 M all the way.
Yeah. Except those are literal plastic shackles with the chain included, not little leather belts in a shoe.
How exactly is a belt a shackle? Because it must be undone before you take of your shoe? Sort of like... laces?
That’s dumb, for real. Its like, your opinion man but its still a garbage one. You have yet to see any sort of trailer, sneak peek, etc. (we don’t even know what the show will be covering in the Universe) and you’re already saying you’re out?
Bruh, its a TV show based on a universe popularized by a videogame.