
...Tons of places had reviews out today or earlier. There’s 33 out already, including IGN.

The story for the second started to get pretty out there (the trash city-esque thing in the middle of the lake). I didn’t mind that, just sucks we never got to see it’s final destination.

Metacritic is a review aggregator.

I loved Condemned, so atmospheric and I genuinely felt afraid a lot of the time. I think I stood at the top of the stairs to the basement in the farmhouse on that last level for like 10 minutes before willing myself down.

I loved Jet Set Radio Future, I’d play a sequel in a heartbeat.

I didn’t realize a site was invalid until you had blessed it with your click.

I liked the story in Wings of Liberty

I was gonna say, nothing was particularly delightful... the season was pain and loss and sacrifices to survive.

Not sure if you’re still on deadspin but I love Iceland and only want to go there on vacation for the rest of my life.

I’m taking what was in the book and giving it back to you?

You neglected to mention the “Dem operatives” were Clinton campaign people who were peeved that Obama beat her in Iowa. Moreover, it was hearsay and never confirmed, probably because its false. Enticing and motivating college students to get involved with the process back home when they normally wouldn’t have is not

Yeah, that’s not true.

lol midichlorian count.


Perhaps because it came out in December.

I don’t think “its not enough like old Star Wars even though I complained that TFA was too much like ANH” is a valid criticism.

“We, as in the rest of r/prequelmemes and I.”

I was having my own little chuckle at the inanity of this situation, no displays of intellect needed.

“Extreme problems.”

Thank god school is out for the summer.