Wolfenstein 2 was great? I wouldn’t say it was quite as good as the first one in some regards, but story, dialogue, art were top notch.
Wolfenstein 2 was great? I wouldn’t say it was quite as good as the first one in some regards, but story, dialogue, art were top notch.
There’s a chance things could swing more blue with the redistricting.
Given the reception the ES6 logo + music + landscape (which has small clues to location and such as indicated by Todd Howard in an interview afterward) had by the audience and the general internet populace, I’d say you were in the minority.
I did some sort of report on Moldova in 8th grade and it didn’t seem like the nicest place to live. I recall them having a pretty terrible child death rate, but that was back in 2004 so who knows.
Zedd still has like 18 hours to delete his account before that
I don’t think we’ll see Starfield til next gen is around the corner, and ES6 after launch. I’d push em both back a couple years.
I’ll occasionally quote this and the chupathingy one and I’ve met a handful of people who knew what I was talking about.
I donno about going that far, but this game is pushing me to get a PS4 Pro - and I haven’t had a Sony console since my PS3 was stolen in like 2010.
Thats what I was thinking. The fetus would age to whatever he currently is, if he gets caught. She also said that if he got caught that they would still have him, just not... whatever he was carrying? I’ll have to rewatch.
It’s a shared world thing but what else makes it look like Destiny?
Man that kinda sucks. They had some great characters in Andromeda. Some lovely moments with your companions that I’m hoping this game will emulate. I won’t go back and play it all over again, but I do miss my main squad.
I got the Power Armor edition as soon as the presentation ended.
I got the Power Armor edition as soon as the presentation ended.
What kind of server do you think they’re running? It’s not an MMO.
I think everyone is making it seem a little too easy to get. This isn’t a day one sort of thing
He said it in an interview with Kneighly today I think. Mods will be in private servers/worlds.
You don’t think it’ll reflect an actual wasteland at all? With some actual humans emerging and trying to rebuild the world with other people, while others give into the perceived pointlessness of it all and kill, maim, and steal to survive?
RTS, at this time, will not return to the numbers it saw a decade a go.
...The only way they would’ve killed it is if they showed gameplay for three more games?