
I think because in Halo 5 at least you could be pretty effective without the added stuff from packs.

I waited until 40 to do the puzzles as well, maximize Legendary drops.

Conductor of Souls from Anubis was pretty dope, though. Hit 40 before beating most of the content and it really wrecks people. Highest quality weapon (94) available so far, I think?

Or not even close. You can’t purchase XP to level up, purchased weapons power is still tied to your level which will only make you effective against enemies your level or 1-2 above it, not level 40 bosses.

Nah. Plenty of people who don’t know what they’re doing telling other people how to do things wrong isn’t a great idea. And your crass remark is unnecessary and fairly sexist. I haven’t met one woman who enjoys “free advice” from people at the gym.

It’s a Volvo not a Civic.

Seems a bit unfair to stack the AMG in there.

I’d say it’d be more likely a BMW owner games, based on stereotypes.


Why? Bc you can get loot boxes that only have part tickets and cash, and a vanity item?

I donno, I got it through the Black Friday sale and have been enjoying it a lot. Probably won’t play it much after I finish the story and do some of the challenges, but I’ve gotten 16 hours out of it so far, prolly put in and 6-8.

You have to prove anything if you want to say that.

Nah, you’ve jumped all over the place which is why you’ve referenced things like scholarships and Separate but Equal in your complaint about the n-word, each time being shown how you were misapplying things and ignoring any instance where you were incorrect.

Well, if you find it a personal attack then that’s your problem. It was an observation given how you jump from sinking ship to sinking ship depending on the conversation, failing to acknowledge your numerous incorrect assertions.

If you’re one person you would be able to afford a home in any of those places provided your financial situation is not ridiculously out of order.

Yeah, $300k for ONE person would be on the very high edge of middle-class.

And yet again, no it is not, given the origin and meaning of the word and the evolution it took to get to the meaning it holds today.

Least he didn’t have to suffer getting the health halfway down and having it glitch and reset!

Yeah, see, I’m not talking about separate but equal because that’s not what this thread is about, that’s a tangent you went on when trying to validate non-existent “reverse-racism.”

And? It’s already been created as an in-group word by Black people, and this it’s innappriate when used by someone outside their race given the context in which it was created.