
Nilla that’s over a year straight of one game. As in every hour of every day, for a year.

Why would someone lie on the internet?...

Not at all. Trolls and meme makers have the most inflated egos. Likely compensatory.

What is casino music?

Video games are inherently immature?

Is it good? Sure, objectively it is pretty well done in that it depicts an impossibly proportioned figure meant purely to elicit erotic/sexual interest. It succeeds in that.

I want this to make it out of the greys purely because of how stupid this is. Are you depressed or something? Could you not try harder? I wanna give you a swirly holy crap.

I think any self-respecting adult would roll their eyes at this junk, not just brazen feminists.

Ohhhh, thank you. Ugh that’s lame doe.

9800 hours on Oblivion?

What is cheesecake?

I don’t think he is saying that. There are many consumers who buy cars because of what a luxury badge means (I have money) rather than because they prefer the steering feel in a Porsche vs a BMW, which would make up a small minority of the population looking to buy these cars.

That’s not really my perogative. If you’re inconsistent across multiple comments on one thread, why would I be interested in what you have to say?

I love the LaFerrari now after originally finding it too out there (but not in an alien way a la the P1), so long as it’s not red. I know that’s THE Ferrari color but I just don’t like it on that car for some reason. Maybe I’ve just seen too many red Ferraris.

Are thousands of procedurally generated worlds really that exciting? It wasn’t that exciting on the stage of Spore where you wandered around the planet, let alone the galaxies, and from what I’ve read/streams I’ve watched of NMS, the novelty of a brand new world wears off pretty quickly, especially when there’s not a

This result on Google from the American Library Association has post-apoc as a sub-genre.



Oh my god the PC police strikes again. When will the libtards go back to their safe space and stop racism by not bringing it up anymore? So tired of these white elites.

Everyone’s naked ok I don’t care, however I really don’t see any good reason why they’re can’t be a barbarian queen that’s sole purpose is to either support Conan, and/or be boned by him.