But, dude, what about the teachers and soldiers in Iraq?! <salutes Marine Todd, would never enlist, votes against increases in taxes for education>
But, dude, what about the teachers and soldiers in Iraq?! <salutes Marine Todd, would never enlist, votes against increases in taxes for education>
Oh STFU. When you can generate billions in revenue and pack 20,000 people into an arena to watch you scrub toilets at Arby’s you’ll get to make as much a basketball player too.
He seems to have learned, he is wildly offensive.
I mean, I’ll pop a chubby too when Duke gets named, but poor Cleveland State will be the one to suffer the brunt of the NCAA’s wrath.
anonymous caller
The more things change, the more they stay the same. It doesn’t matter how black people protest, white people will disapprove of the method and claim it’s hurting their cause.
Minutes later…dude could only dream…
It’s not about the flag. It’s about black people speaking up. It doesn’t matter what form the protests take, white people will get offended.
You ain’t Lion!
“...even though his picture is not there, Colin Kaepernick is there.”
As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:
Not true. Sometimes I’m shitting.
Why? Why is that on the players to make clear?
It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.
Anyone who uses the word ‘meritocracy’, and then talks about a black man not getting a job someplace, simply needs to be smacked. Hard.
“Eat on Monday what everyone forgot they put in the fridge on Friday.”