Yeah Man I'm Him

You’re right in regards to franchises in large Northeastern markets like New York, Philly and Boston or historical franchises like the Lakers. However, what’s going on in Phoenix is borderline Sterling-like with Sarver. If he was in a larger market he would get the same treatment as a Dolan or a Snyder. He

Actually it’s not. Football is by far the most dangerous sport (it’s not even close). It’s the one sport where the injury rate is 100% the moment you step on the field with rapidly diminishing returns on the body (like a new car being driven off the lot). It’s the one sport in which everything in the body will get

This is ridiculous. These spineless politicians are doing the exact same thing 45 did regarding NFL players kneeling. They’re completely politicizing the issue not to the benefit of those adversely affected but to their own. It’s despicable.

The kicker was hiding behind the national sovereignty bit. They pretty much told Silver to fuck off and don’t involve yourself into their personal affairs. 

This point isn’t being illustrated enough. What content is these state-sponsored broadcast entities going to show in place of basketball? Re-runs of soccer? Their domesticated product is levels below. 

Yep.  At the end of the day the only thing that matters is green. Nothing else. Regimes like China’s knows this and will use it to placate any dissension. Heck, that’s why there was a Thrilla in Manila and Rumble in the Jungle. It’s why FIFA granted Qatar the World Cup and why there will be a heavyweight title fight

The league is going to outlaw this fairly soon. Someone is going to break his neck eventually. 

His delayed and uncontrolled reaction (and that’s exactly what it was - like his body couldn’t catch up to what his mind was telling it what to do) reminded me of when Luke from the Panthers was concussed and crying involuntarily.

Well what they could have done is you know drafted him in the first place without giving up a single pick to acquire him. Oh well... 

And even that wouldn’t be enough if the man is running for his life on virtually every single play.

More like $20 million.  The man just signed a $91 million contract to coach “student” athletes. Why would he want the headache in coaching professionals. 

Well Jerrah is the blame then because he’s the one who championed the hard salary cap in the first place.  

Here’s the funny thing about all of this: you have grown ass middle-aged men (mainly white) complaining about something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Why should they care that an unpaid athlete makes money off of his/her name (you better believe some of those UConn female basketball players will get

As usual Rovell’s an idiot. I guess he didn’t hear about when Kevin Love basically didn’t attend classes large parts of the second semester at UCLA while playing basketball because he knew he was out.  I got one for the Boy-Not Genius: when prohibition was law did it stop drinking? If anything, prohibition led to the

You know what’s sad: in about 2 years Deshaun won’t have any recollection of this or any other conversation as he will be out of the league broken in half by porous coaching and shoddy offensive line play. Some of the hits he takes without getting sacked is borderline murderous. Luck took a similar beating and is 20

“Nobody wins, everybody loses, everyone feels like they got suckered like chumps and fucked over”

Let’s go to them right now. As a Bears fan, you must be sick considering you could have had Mahomes or Deshaun WITHOUT giving up picks to move up. Instead you’re stuck with Mitchell. They’re the champs with either of those 2 quarterbacks. 

Good point. I’m a bit higher on Teddy only because he’s been out of the game for so long and seems to be progressing. 

How do you feel about Teddy starting to figure things out in New Orleans? He’s a free agent at the end of the season and your team has no shot in getting him because of Captain Kirk. 

Well... I would give the Vikings faithful a ray of hope in saying Teddy’s a free agent at the end of the year but then again it’s that damn guaranteed contract they gave their QB1.