
You obviously don’t drift every chance you get. In other Jalopnik news:

“Low rolling resistance” is a nice marketing term for “low grip”.

on concrete on/off ramps - dorifuto!!

then they crash into each other or slide off the road... no thanks.

“cease and desist order to the electric car manufacturer on its Connecticut sales.”

I hate that the franchised dealers feel threatened by Tesla’s direct sales model. It all comes down to them not wanting people to realize that they actually don’t need to jump through the bullshit hurtles franchises put them through. I wish more people would get on board with the direct sales model. it’ll be better

Perhaps—but demonstratively not knowing the bills effect in his own state is pretty damning.

Good thing they kept the exemption for pre existing conditions for themselves then huh?

This is why Congress critters had much larger staffs pre-Clinton era. Those staffers would spend the days poring over the bills and summing them up for the Reps who lacked policy expertise in some areas. Then Gingrich came along and axed a lot of that in order to force more ill-informed votes and make them rely on

Good thing congress exempted themselves from the changes

I’m not at all surprised that Coach Ryan might think this stupid shit (I’ve known quite a few white people to say the same), but I’m kind of fucking astounded that he’d get up in front of a classroom full of phone-clutching kids, pointedly drop n-bombs, and then try to seriously argue that no one has a right to be

Was his name, by chance, Joseph Ducreux?

I’d say there’s a halfway decent chance that she majored in chemical engineering or chemistry when she went off to college.

“Fuck Bitches Get Money” if I remember correctly (I’m not going back to periodic table to confirm)


Pre-existing conditions.

Serious question: What the fuck is wrong with these people?

“which he paid for with his own money and delivered on his own”. Wouldn’t it be nice, if instead of spending 50 billion on a useless wall, or 50 billion on unnecessary military spending, or 900 billion on tax cuts for the rich, if our police, firemen, social workers and teachers had special monetary accounts available

I mean, if you’re going to sign up for Racist Netflix, you can’t be surprised when they release a racist show, right? I wonder what they’re showing on Racist Hulu?