I have one on the sun shade and it is extremely useful to be able to move it into a more direct line of sight to my garage when I park on the street. The range on those things are abysmal...
I have one on the sun shade and it is extremely useful to be able to move it into a more direct line of sight to my garage when I park on the street. The range on those things are abysmal...
I have a proposal: After the congressmen vote, they then have to take a test on the material they just passed. If they do not get a passing grade, then their vote doesn’t count. This works for both sides, a yes and a no.
This is one of the hardest images to wrap my brain around... How does that even work? Did they adjust the level of the land that drastically for that far to make the river line up properly?
Do not; I repeat, do not, waste your money on those clips. We replaced them on my father’s truck more than a couple times before deciding to fix it like real men. Zip ties. I previously explained the method on another Jalopnik post (in 2013), but I will explain it here again.
So when can we expect them to hit production like the Juke-R?
Why does it seem like all of the top responses to this question are people that I feel deserve what came to them?
Back in college, I was renting a place near enough to my school that I rarely needed to drive. Because of this my truck and my roommate’s car rarely left the driveway. Someone must have noticed this, and because free parking in the area was fairly limited, this same someone would constantly park in front of the…
And for a little bit of “How the vents work:”
I was always under the impression that everything cost so much because rent inside of an airport is insane as well. These businesses that want to be inside of an airport have to pay much higher rent than would normally be necessary. Because of that, they pass the costs on to their customers.
I find it very interesting how many people dislike this. I have always been a huge fan of the look.
I know that in California it is illegal to wear headphones in both ears while driving. This also stands for riding a bike.
I just looked into this. I have a ‘15 model year, purchased in November ‘14, and my last update was in November ‘15. Nothing more recent exists.
I know I have written this somewhere, but I’ll write it again because its relevant.
If we are supposed to arrest all illegal aliens, and she is found to be illegal, we must arrest her per Trump’s request.
But all you have to do is Google “US Flag” and it shows every single flag with the field on the left...
I have never been able to understand how these things actually work.
Not entirely. They both had teams of people behind them to help with the campaign, so it isn’t just in the person who is campaigning. You would think that Hilary, Bill, and her team could look at what wasn’t working for her, and try to pull a little of what worked for Bill into it. Sure, it has been 16 years since he…
My grandfather on my father’s side has always been “Papa” to me. It was really strange when I first realized that “Papa” was normally used to refer to your father, not your grandfather.
Normally, “Mom” is all that is ever needed, but I have called her a mermaid of different nicknames over the years. A lot of them are either based off of “Mom” or “Mother” or are just the word mother in a different language.
Is this what we have to expect over the next four years? Every time Trump does something stupid, someone is going to come out and say, “Yeah... But I am sure Clinton would have been stupider.”