Jeramey Parker

The only reason I would sign up for this is if I could rent a movie (without a subscription) for streaming and it would have to be a dollar or two cheaper them ordering through Direct TV. The available movies would have to be new releases before they make it to a premium cable channel. I have Netflix Streaming, HBO,

I am trying out Feedly at the moment but plan on trying Newsblur soon.

Let me start by saying that I am not an attorney, this is what I have learned and you should speak to an attorney for yourself, I can not be held responsible if the laws and regulations very in your area.

I like my Cooler Master but I will say that after a short amount of time the cooling fans got extremely noisy. I have removed the cooling fans and just appreciate the extra space for air flow.

It did for me.

Short answer is yes. When I purchased Win 8 Pro upgrade I used my 32 bit vista laptop and downloaded the upgrade. I really wanted to install win 8 64 bit. What I was able to do was use another Windows 7 PC 64 bit to download the install to a usb flash drive. I then used the flash drive to do a fresh install. I was

VOTE: Seagate GoFlex Home with Western Digital Live Plus. The GoFlex has a built in UPNP-AV server. WDLP accesses my GoFlex without the need for a computer or interim software like the Roku/Plex setup. In addition I can use the GoFlex as a NAS.

I like the cereal box idea. I think I will try this one.

My inbox is always things that I need to take care of. Pay a bill, save photos from a family event, coupon if I go shopping. My work inbox is that same way, an email to return, new order to print out. While at work it would be nice to do everything as emails come in, I have to prioritize everything on importance and I

I have a neat receipt scanner that I bought for the size. I used the neat software for a short time and was not satisfied. I find it to be slow and take a lot of hard drive space.

I too am looking into buying a new router that will run DD-WRT. I have the linksys WRT54G and it is working fine but I need to replace a 2nd wireless access point that has been dropping connections. I am looking into the Asus RT-N16. Any comments? My thoughts are to replace the linksys router with the Asus router and

The logitech mouse I recently purchased has a slot that will hold the doogle in the battery compartment. Worth a look.

I have not used an OEM key and a non OEM disc for XP but I did just use one for Win 7 and it worked. The only thing that I had to do different was call an 800 number to get an activation code, it would not activate over the internet. The 800 number was completely automated.

I suppose you could combine the $100.00 easy find stash with a list of items titled "Bank Safe Deposit Box" to make a burglar think that none of this good stuff is in the house.

I upgrade from Vista and the boot up time is quite the improvement, I do not even need a clock to tell me that my PC started up faster. As for the changes I am going to embrace them for a little while. I do not mind the start screen but I do wish I could have a half screen or one column groups.

From time to time I have to do this. I just let our office receptionist know that I am not to be disturbed and to let callers know I am with a client. Since I am working on something for a client it is only a slight distortion of the truth.

Upon reading the article the dog in the photo is an older dog and has trouble walking. It is not that the home owner/pet's owner does not want her up stairs it is that when she gets upstairs she has fallen down the stairs.

A little fabric over the Astro-Foil would dress it up or a thin panel over the completed frame would make it look like bi-fold doors.

I agree. I know that I read at the same pace that I would speak and I voice the words in my head but I rarely vocalize or mouth as I read. If I would just scan my eyes over the words would that not be photographic memory?

pu dum dum