
"Fake but accurate"

So he's a paranoid narcissist, that's unsurprising.

I'd heartclick, if I knew how.

Perfectly, I imagine. A gusting crosswind is an unpredictable stimulus, which an electronic control system can stabilize far more effectively than a human. Humans are better at unexpected scenarios, but gusting crosswinds isn't an unexpected scenario.

@gary_7vn: Supposed to live? These are largely sedentary farmers. That's not natural. They've just had their societal development stunted by bad luck in the geography department and they're still stuck in the stone age.

@samarkand: Of those, banana's really the only good crop, and none is a grain or high in protein.

@Merricat: And the Google Toolbar does the same thing. I've had the crawler visit 'secret' pages after someone I gave the URL to visited them with the google toolbar.

Will it have a Nazi survival mode?

Send them some teachers and crop seeds. It's the humanitarian thing to do.

@tedknaz: Except Apple teamed up with the publishers to break Amazon and force them into the agency model.

couldn't care less

Also, SMBC is awesome, and you all should read it.

@resu427: Credit is irrelevant, it's a copyright violation. Zach should hit their ISP with a DMCA takedown notice.

Now playing

The internet's not just for kittehs and memes.

@fuzzlemail: "Oh, so people have the "right" to marry now? I'd love for you to show me that in the constitution."

GSM is TDMA, Kyle. That's not exactly rare.

@Piotr Smolanski: While obviously Auschwitz and the holocaust were German evils, most of Europe has a long and violent history of antisemitism. The Germans just were.... German about it.

@casperiv: Well, Apple are the ones who are distributing it, thus they're the ones who are potentially committing copyright violations.

Pi is better than tau because half wavelengths are very important in physics and math. A half wavelength is the lowest energy mode in a bounded system, and all supported modes are even and odd multiples of Pi.