
How about a world without content-aware fill?

Looking at the rest of his website, I think 'lunatic' is a more accurate description than artist.

@Justin: The on-board processor does sensor integration: it combines the RGB information from the visible-light camera with the depth information from the IR sensors to produce a 3D image of the room.

@alek2407: Uh, no. If a drone is being controlled remotely, you can interfere with that data link very easily. It doesn't require disabling the on-board electronics. All you have to do is broadcast a powerful signal at the drone to overwhelm the data link.

@alek2407: Except during actual combat when electronic warfare breaks the control link.

@The Lab: Indeed. Apple is not about innovation at all. They're about near-perfect execution.

@stevieboy: Not really. The PrimeSense sensor would be useless without the software system built on top of it by Microsoft. And Microsoft has been researching computer vision for a long time to develop that software.

@MayorBloomberg: My statements are very clear, you need to learn the difference between research and product development. Try reading the history of Bell Labs (hint: they invented the transistor), or browsing through the active research at any of those labs I linked to.

@MayorBloomberg: Clearly, you didn't understand what I was saying. But perhaps I misstated. I shall be more clear: Apple doesn't do research.

@My name is Nelson, I like to dance!: Apple has product development, but they have absolutely no R&D like Microsoft Research, HP Labs, IBM Research, or the old famous Bell Labs.

@clickmyface: Impressive, I said no such thing.

@storm: Where's Apple Labs? Where's Apple Research? Where are the all the academic publications coming from Apple? There aren't any. Jobs killed basic research when he returned to the company.

@Trebuchet: You also forgot about the edit button.

Meh. The PrimeSense sensor is a critical component, but the entire package requires a large base of software that takes the integrated sensor information and extracts semantic information out of it.

Pff, next thing you're going to tell me that Egyptian mummies didn't rot and turn to mold.

@Dreamwriter: You don't have to be a computer to be prior art for

@Jim Topoleski: What, you were surprised? Welcome to the Apple