
@kosai: Batteries suck and hydrocarbons are awesome. We're far better off putting time and money into thermodepolymerization and other hydrocarbon synthesis technologies.

@MarcusMaximus: Go to your room and think about what you've done. Also, think about what the oil companies sell, where their product is used, and finally, where and how solar power is used and lastly.

@AreWeThereYeti: We survived the automatic loom, we'll survive this.

@Boomdiggity!: But without stratification, who will you have to pity?

@Boomdiggity!: Ah, socialism. A political philosophy defined by its great compassion and even greater contempt for the "lower class."

@AreWeThereYeti: No. Some people have and will make a lot of money out of increased automation. But in the long run, robots won't make a handful extremely wealthy and drive the rest into poverty; that's fallacious reasoning. What robots will do is drive the price of normal manufactured goods down to practically

Aye, ye shoulda listened to good ol' Ned Ludd. The automated weaving machine loom is a tool of the devil, brought forth to destroy the common man's labor. These soulless machines are evil and must be destroyed, for the sake of the common man.

6 months is nothing. The Egyptians did this experiment 5000 years ago.

@Dirk Anger: No. The fact that it wasn't 'designed' is irrelevant; engineers design things all the time without really knowing how they work. Designing a new grid would be an example of that.

@taniquetil: I don't necessarily agree with your point, but it's a different perspective from the norm, and well expressed.

@FrankN.Stein: Well, no. The grid is close to capacity, yes, but that is a separate issue. The underlying dynamics of the grid are simply not that well understood.

OS X Lion? Only in Kenya. Lions and tigers, only in Kenya. Yeah.

@gstatty: That's okay, I promoted them for you.

Geek hatred of hipsters is a defence mechanism.

Biometrics are convenient, not robust. They should only be used for low-security identification purposes, not authorization.

Why the hostility here? He's right. Apotheker was fired by SAP for sucking. Most of the analysts comments I've seen agree with Ellison. The man's a dick, but he knows how to run a successful company.

@metronome49: Haters are a byproduct, and creation, of fanboys.

@NonElitist: If you want some interesting reading on the subject of revolutionary battery technology, google induced gamma emission.

@Settings: No, it'll be going at the same speed. No matter how fast you are going, all light always appears to go at the same speed relative to you.