
@holy holes batman: It will, to a "stationary" observer. The key point of relativity is that things are relative. Hence then name.

@holy holes batman: You're not thinking relativistically. The speed of light is the same in all reference frames. If you accelerate to "the speed of light," you can still accelerate to "the speed of light."

@thechansen: No. There is nothing in current physics which prevents you from travelling to another star, or another galaxy, in your lifetime.

@blyan-reloaded: Dude... the Cell and the Xenon were both PPC chips designed and built by IBM. In fact, the Cell chip consists of one PPE module and 7 SPE modules. The Xenon consists of 3 PPE modules.

@tehsquish: Indeed. The PS3 does theoretically have slightly more computational horsepower than the XBox360, but the XBox360 has better memory bandwidth and an overall more streamlined architecture.

@blyan-reloaded: Blu-Ray disks themselves are better than HD DVD, but the software differences are ridiculous. The quality difference between BD video and HDDVD video are practically nonexistant.

@blyan-reloaded: Yes, the American public is stupid... stupid enough to support Blu-Ray. HD DVD was an enterprise of Toshiba; Microsoft played a comparatively small role. HD DVD was a MUCH more consumer friendly format, and it's a real tragedy that it lost to Blu-Ray with its excessive DRM.

@oanda: If it is the iPad that is cannibalizing laptop sales, and not something else, then my observations are completely valid. The pre-school sales jump is completely gone from that chart. Logically, if it's the iPad and not some other force (like the recession), then there should be a lot of university students

@Edgy: Remarkable, you've replaced a $500 laptop with a $2000 setup.

It's the first week of classes and the undergrads are all showing off their shiny new kit. I have yet to see a single tablet at my university, whereas I must have seen thousands of notebooks and netbooks. I saw one a couple of months ago on the train. And these are university students, amongst whom Apple already has

@Arnold Qin: You completely missed my point.

@alek2407: Anybody building or using a life-critical system which requires constant internet connectivity, is doing something very, very wrong.

@Les Mikesell: The kind who are answering random phone questions about what they do during sex, while having sex.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The iPad just got (or is just about to get, I don't follow closely) multitasking... but it's a limited form of multitasking that only allows a few very specific things to occur in the background. I don't think 'record audio through the microphone' and analyze it for audio clues

Web browsing and Google Maps are conveniences that I would miss, but they aren't essential. Everything else... meh.

@Almightywhacko: I'm not a lawyer, and I could be completely wrong... but I think you're supposed to ask the judge for a definition, in this circumstance.

@jayntampa: And you can't. The reason no Console/PC x-play has ever been allowed is because in every experiment, PC players destroy the console players. And almost nobody I know who plays console FPSes 'seriously' came from a PC gaming background.

So how is this better than something you could host from your own computer, for free? I rigged up something like this 10 years ago from my home computer... these days you can do with a couple of mouse clicks in Windows Media Player.