
thats why you do it based on the work done not a percentage. im not tipping a bartender for reaching into a metal tub right in front of them and pulling me out a beer. do you tip the people at mcdonalds for pulling your fries off the heat rack?  if theyre mixing a drink fine because there is some skill involved. but

So you’re just going to ignore his explanation that the scotch is a celebration of a milestone birthday and instead is about chasing clout, huh?

On the other hand, we really do need to kill tipping culture. It IS ridiculous that server A makes $2 bucks for pouring a $10 shot while server B makes $50 doing the exact same work pouring a $250 shot.

Theranos may have never delivered on the technology they promised (because it was always impossible and fatally flawed at the basic science level), but at least they thought they were doing something important for humanity.

For the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone deludes themselves enough to think selling

Dude. An asterisk? Really?

To suggest that Vernon Unsworth was as bad as Elon Musk in their exchange is to equate a technical judgment with a vicious (and repeated) claim of gross moral impropriety. What Musk said (repeatedly, and with claim of veracity) was beyond the pale, and anyone offended by it photoshopped on the side of the Cybertruck

If it were just about that one tweet it’d be one thing, but he made multiple tweets about it, hired a private investigator to look into Unsworth, and made specific false claims to a journalist about what his private investigator found (in reality the investigator made it all up and just told Musk what he wanted to hear

Imagine what it would be like living in this dystopia where people are unable to call other people shitty names on the internet. It’s almost as if common courtesy would ensue. Freedom of Speech was invented for the sole purpose of allowing criticism of the government, not allowing people to be dicks to each other.

Absolutely nothing about this has anything to do with free speech. There is a big difference between free speech and libel. You know libel is already illegal and has been for hundreds of years right? Libel is not "calling someone a shitty name." It is publishing a false statement to try and ruin someone's life. A

Anyone can be free to say whatever stupid, inflammatory or “offensive” thing they want. Nothing can change that. Freedom of speech and freedom from consequences are different things.

i always love people responding to some of these articles disagreeing with the take at hand because of their super-specific use case that is very highly unlikely ever to actually be applied.

If you’re completely unacquainted with (1.) NYC and (2.) Uber/Lyft, why are you even commenting on this story? Just curious. Seems like an odd choice. 

you’re germ averse, so you’re gonna go sit in a strangers car with no cleanliness requirements?

It’s honestly pretty easy and not bad if its not summer. This is coming form someone with social anxiety and being on the spectrum, for what it’s worth.

Google Maps has a “Transit” option. Does that help?

But the subway is part of the full NYC experience. You haven’t seen New York City unless you see a hip hop group breakdancing in a train car or a homeless person pissing on the tracks.

If you're this sheltered and terrified, just stay home. Stop ruining places because you can't be bothered to be a less than obnoxious tourist.

If you can use Google Maps, the subway is not confusing.

How lazy can you be?  There’s a map showing where the trains go.  Just find your nearest station.  The train tells you when you reach your destination.

It’s really not though.