
Do introverts hate everyone? Is that a thing?


alternatively, someone is letting you know that “ok” is potentially dismissive, and you’re going to complain about it. There aren’t rules - there’s just the way certain people receive something. 

This entire comment section is a fantastic way of determining who exercises empathy vs. those who are incapable of understanding or expressing it.

Thank God for movies because otherwise we'd have no idea that rape was ever a problem.

That was my first thought as well. 

And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.

Honestly, who cares. As long as it still ends up helping people and helps normalize things, let them make money. Good things being done for a reason is still a good thing being done.

Lol, you’re not entitled to a job at google just because you’re a pinkskin, you whiny snowflake. That’s not how discrimination works.

The suit also alleges discrimination against Asian applicants.

No. If people are working 40 hours a week they should have enough to earn a decent living, not just scrapping by. specially when CEO are getting historically high wages.

I don’t tip the bartender on the way out of a restaurant if I don’t order an alcoholic beverage.

On the flip side, they’re charging hundreds a night yet can’t afford to properly compensate their staff?

On the flip side - you can afford hundreds a night but balk at $5? *side eye*

So we’re expected to pay supplemental charges now simply because we can afford do. *side eye*

Do you tip your nurse?

Its really more that Americans have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. Housekeeping is not a job that is permissible to pay less on the expectations of tips, unless you’re going on international waters for cruises.

Keep in mind that in the Western world, this is a problem that’s fairly exclusive to the USA, staff in Europe are paid a living wage. If you tip in the EU it’s a courtesy for a job well done, rather than a necessity for the staff to have a half-decent wage.

This is my problem. Instead of expecting guests to help your people make a living wage, how about you pay them a living wage? Raise the room rate by $3 a day and give it all to housekeeping and then we won’t have to make up for your shitty business practices.

Hotels charge hundreds of dollars a night for a room and we’re supposed to supplement their staff’s wages on top of that? Actually, they’re incentivizing us to not even use the service by offering points for not using housekeeping services at all. Which I find additionally mean to their employees (hey you get to work