Jenny Sais Quois

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.

I've never understood the idea that giving money or gift certificates towards experiences as an alternative to gifting physical things is somehow 'tacky'. As someone who is relatively young, in a lower income bracket, and does not have an abundance of living space, I appreciate the shit out of gifts like certificates

Former graduate school fatty here. This. A thousand times. It doesn't matter what your weight is and you're exercising (which is awesome, keep it up!) but you gotta mix in some fresh fruit or veggies for your health! I survived on frozen pizza, beer, and cigarettes for most of grad school and I gave myself a stomach

Just an hour ago when I was waking to get lunch and was very clearly on my fucking phone, somedude started walking next to me trying to talk to me. After a glare didn't work, I shouted "fuck off!" Loudly and he scampered across the street.

Soon, I shall be too not sober to care :p

A woman in town was assaulted outside of her house. The neighbours victim blamed her because she was single and had a different boyfriend every week.

At least you can cry/grumble (crymble?) into your wine and chocolate without having to placate tiny humans in any way?

You've bought in to using the word "curating" when you really mean "looking for" or "collecting"? (Not the point of your post, I know. I just find that word so pretentious when used in contexts like these.)

I don't currently own any western formal dresses. I have been invited to a White People wedding tomorrow. I haven't been to a White People wedding since I was 17 and I have two questions:

My boyfriend and I went to a swing dance. A man asked my boyfriend if he was "allowed" to dance with me. I don't need permission from my boyfriend to dance.

There are no kids at my house this weekend. The house is clean. There are clean sheets on the bed. There's no work to do. The wine's been bought. The cheese has been resting.

Yesterday on the way to my college rec center, a dude on a skateboard stopped and fondled my ass. When I went to the university police, the guy taking my report said: maybe you shouldn't wear those little shorts when you're walking on campus by yourself. Just a thought.

Oh this is made for me. I have three.

I never comment, but now is my moment to shine, or whatever. Had I been born a boy, I would have been named Joe Jr. after my dad. My dad's name isn't Joe but it is Jose, and he's already a junior. He also has a son from a previous relationship whose name is Joe Jr. For girl names my mom went back and forth, one of the

I think maybe you tie with Barnstable. I also think I'm going to make up a character called "Loll Barnstable," now.

My dad *really* wanted to name me "Moonbeam". Cute, her parents were hippies, you say? Yeah, imagine how it would have gone when, 18 years later, I'm standing in formation at basic training and the drill sergeant doing mail call yells out "Pvt. Moonbeam Jones!" Luckily, my mom vetoed that one.

everybody go home, because I win:

I didn't have any close calls, but I work with a girl named Kayla whose father didn't want children. Apparently, he wanted to name her Bitwhistle but Mom wasn't having it.

That would be a great post.. nudge nudge :)

This is the finest most comprehensive list I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Bless this.