Jenny Sais Quois

Allergic to Calcium lady reminds me of a story my husband (former v. v. fancy resort hotel restaurant chef) told me about a lady who asked for no salt in her food because she was allergic to salt. Salt would kill her. This was an oceanside hotel.

More to do with the family politics of invites than the acquisition of physical invitations. My cousin didn't send me an invite to her wedding, so I assumed I wasn't invited, no biggie as we weren't super close and I was living far away. Apparently, she then got pissed when I neither RSVPed, attended, or sent a

I had exactly the same reaction.


I figured you'd be a fan of pork wine ;)

I was confused at first and then figured it was well-hidden sarcasm? Anything that you find at half the exits on every interstate is not "off the beaten path".

It's like PIGlio griglio.

He makes an excellent point!

Your husband sounds kind of awesome.

His last tweets are so poignant now that I go back and read them. I don't know how to embed a tweet but "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" really struck me (also I love that he put "LLAP" at the end of each one!)

In my quest to get everyone to love Smart Bitches, Trashy Books as much as I do (I know YOU do, Kelly, but there are many unconverted bitches out there), and also to rebut that romances are trashy throwaway stuff, can I direct everyone to read this piece on author Bertrice Small (that's one of her covers up there) who

YES. Was coming here to say that.

Me right now.

I want to go to a wig party so bad! I love that idea.

Oh, I didn't remember that, just her saying "I don't swing that way" or whatever it was. But multiple references to her orientation make it even worse that I've read multiple pieces talking about Aaron being the first openly gay character.

Every time he looks at the camera it's like he got interrupted eating a bear.

Yeah, thanks. I keep reading about Aaron being the first openly gay character and then I'm like "Well then why do I remember Tara saying something about not being attracted to guys?" (can't remember the exact context, but I think she put it that way).

I love how customer-driven plus size fashion is - it's so much more accessible to fellow customers. I mean how would I know what spaghetti-strap tank from Delia's would suit me, and where could I go for inspiration to create my own style when I was a mid-nineties teen? I shudder to think what I'd be dressing like if

OMG dying. I think it's the seal's calm expression on top of everything else in this thread.

I mean ill stuff one in my face hole. But they're an inferior substitute for other, better cookies (tagalongs).