Jenny Sais Quois

I feel really petty pointing this out, but at the same time it's such a blatant and widespread example: I have a five year old. Occasionally we get her a kids' meal at McDonald's. The person taking your order asks if it's for a boy or girl, but the screen where you confirm your order says "Truck Toy" or "Doll Toy".

He was also tossed out of SLC for his actions.

Yes. It's in the same denial-ridden, history-repeating playing field as calling Hitler et al "evil"/"monsters". We are not like them, therefore we could not do as they do. Except we (humanity) are and we do.

I ought to reread Garp, too. I also didn't like the character very much - I mean, he was well written but I didn't like the person.

YES if you like crime and thrillers try Devil in the White City, you will not regret it. If you like Stephen King, I would also recommend Dean Koontz (crime/mystery with fantasy elements) and Philip Pullman and Neil Gaiman (fantasy with mystery elements). If you liked The Dark Tower series you might try other epic

I was on a massive Irving kick in college and all his books are the kind that stay with you. Maybe Owen Meaney the most though.

OMG THE BLIND ASSASSIN. nothing can ever dull my love of that book.

OMG hang in there! And definitely go see your doctor. I didn't have HG while pregnant but the wee amount of morning sickness I did have was terrible so I can't imagine what you're going through. Fistbumps of solidarity and support.

Or Ethelbert or Frideswide or something more exciting! I actually cannot remember King Baby's name so clearly they need to work on this.

I don't think it's necessarily that the evidence just came to light now - it appears that the family that owned this shawl knew about it and its supposed provenance - but that the author has a book to sell just now.

I'm fond of anything involving Mozza.

Yeah, the fact that every article includes that the author got into Jack the Ripper stuff because of the Tim Burton movie didn't exactly fill me with confidence in his investigative methods. The huz and I were watching a show about "hidden" London history last night that touched on the Ripper cases, and included a

Based on other articles, the scientist's methods do not seem to be up to normal standards of DNA testing of crime evidence (double blind testing, various steps to prevent cross contamination). His results do back up what is already a pretty strong theory on who the killer was, but I don't think they'd be admissible

Yeah, my husband read one article and was like OMG THEY CAUGHT HIM and I read three or four more (looking for decently credible sources - The Independent is one I remember) that were like "The DNA which HASN'T BEEN INDEPENTLY TESTED was found on a shawl THAT WAS IN AN ATTIC FOR 126 YEARS and which the owner CLAIMED to

I actually find it a big turn on when my husband sniffs mine. I guess it's the primal thing?

Ooft, I'm JEWISH but when my Episcopalian husband wears a collar when he volunteers as a Eucharistic visitor (basically bringing communion to people in the hospital or can't leave their house) I can't keep my hands off him, doubly so if he wears a cassock too. Shame-movie-crush: Ewan MacGregor in The Davinci Code.

Yes with the freckles, particularly on people with dark complexions and light eyes. I studied in Ireland one summer and caught a glimpse of a dude on the lawn outside the library where they keep the Book of Kells who I'm not entirely sure nearly twenty years on was actually real because he was that glorious with

One of my coworkers was telling me that he had encountered a Lemonjello and Orangejello while at work. I told him that these names were a common urban legend but he insisted they really existed. It made me wonder if the urban legend going viral led to any parents actually giving their kids those names (I mean I

Wait, you AND Lindy are leaving? Is this real life? I mean, sorry, best wishes to you both, you will be missed.

AAAAHHH get it away. Giant mantis shrimps are the beasts of nightmares.