Jenny O Marge

Uh-oh….looks like the same issues as "Lost." judging from this review's first paragraph. I was just about to give this show another go considering how offended everyone got when I said I couldn't make it through the first 4 episodes in light of the Lost-like pretentious tendencies off J.J. & Co.

OK. F - -

A B-? Really? I'd say this ranks as one of the worst episodes to date. F-.

I'm just going to give-in and say that this is the Best Worst TV Show of All-Time.

In addition to Bava's Black Sunday, I think the opening to Twitch of the Death Nerve aka Bay of Blood, should've been on this list. And Jesus Christ, when will The Ring go away on ALL horror lists? Am I the only person in the world that hated that POS??

Will Horror fans ever be Horror reviewers at the TV Club?

I'm trying to figure-out what the appeal is, that's all. Gosh, some people are so sensitive over a TV show.

No, I'm not here just to slam this show. It seems to have a buzz and people seem to love it and I'm trying to understand why. Does J.J. Abrams have an ending for this already? If not, then anyone who continues watching and hated the waste of time that Lost was should stop now.

What do you know about me? Nothing.

Yup. That's exactly what I did 30 minutes into the 4th episode. I don't get the appeal here.

Well, crap…here we are back in soap opera-land again. Oh, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Negan is just plain annoying at this point. Maybe it's the writing, maybe it's his acting, or maybe it's both. Whatever it is, it is hard to stomach and not in a good way.

If someone can convince me that this isn't the stupidest, most pretentious show ever, I'll owe you a Coke. I just don't get the buzz here. Why should I be interested in robots in a miniature world? Looks like another waste of time like Lost was.

I never hated or loved an episode as much as this one. I went into this season skeptical since last season most of Black Mirror's episodes were based on co-dependent relationships and irritating techie-like issues. However, I found that after the first 30 minutes (more kudos to the reviewer), my annoyance at the

Emily Stephens, you have got to be kidding me with the "A" grade on this one, right? (I thought the total opposite about 5 minutes into the episode) I'm even more shocked by the quote: "technically speaking, it ranks with the best-executed episodes of American Horror Story, period." Like the rest of this season so

Murphy & Fulchuk really need to give-up the ghost (pun intended) on AHS and concentrate on making OJ sequels. I'm not even sure how or why I made it through Freakshow. It's a shame because the cast is too good for this bad material.

I seriously can't wait to not watch this show.

I do appreciate your explanation above. Not just here, but GOT fans are fierce.

OK, cool. Similar to what I said above, I've learned my lesson to never mess w/ GOT fans ever again.

Cool, take care. :)

I concede. But it did remind me of A Christmas Carol, yes. I can't help that that is what I thought of.