
Oh fuck yeah! Wow, I never knew it was a Bowie song either. Obviously, I couldn't even tell it was the same song entirely.

I should make it very clear that many, many people like the series. I just think the ones who get so emotionally invested are clearly lacking some attention.

Is Hefner dying or going broke or something? The magazine is going out of print, he's trying to sell his den of disease and now he's getting money from this?

There are some Star Wars fans who can never be satisfied-In more ways than one.

Where have I heard that riff before? Was it in a Pearl Jam song?

But that goes against everything Julian Fellowes has ever taught me.

British entertainment journalists and interviewers are the absolute worst.

This was Gervais' best show.

There are always numerous opportunities in the UK for actors. The series' seasons are always short, and the BBC and ITV both have a lot of programming. There is also the fact that a large majority of British actors have stage training and experience. Finding good, and paying work will not be hard to come by. Hugh

From my perspective, I believe she should just leave the house altogether instead of forcing an eviction on a poor farmer and his wife.

I'm assuming it will all come to a head with this Marigold stuff. Mary is bound to have questions regarding their vacancy. When it does, I also think Edith should confront Mary about her inherent judging. She is certainly in no place to reprimand someone for consequences of having sex without marriage.

I think the Anna/Bates storylines have been the Achilles heel for the show since the second season. I feel more entertained with the endless Edith Downer storyline than I do with those two characters.

I just came here to say that I find it interesting that these singular reviews are coming out so slowly. I was a big fan of the first season, so I immediately binge watched all of it this time. I'm assuming that most people did. Are these reviews good enough to be read weeks after watching the eps?

I guess El Chapo didn't learn a damn thing from any of his predecessors.

Of course I haven't seen it yet, and I'm a Bernie fan over Hillary. But the release of the Benghazi movie seems pretty perfectly timed. I'm sure there will be lots of Trump voters seeing that movie.

Utterly ridiculous for him to expect to sell that property, keep it as is, and live in it as well. Fucking delusional old man.

No, especially since he kept asking his wife for help. I have read too much about him personally to respect him.

That was so brutal, and funny.

In all honesty, Denzel's epic stage meltdown was kind of scary.