
Listen Caffrey….back off. It's not easy being green.

He also has a cancelled show on FX.

Yeah, before I clicked on the headline, I said to myself, "Hollywood, please stop trying to make Josh Gad a thing."

I thought so too. Maybe it only applies to news programs? I don't know for sure, but this is a despicable ploy by Lorne Michaels to get ratings at the potential cost of our country. Maybe that's what he wants. It will be easier for their new, young writers to make fun of Donald than actually making salient points

OH, that does diminish it a bit.

Hmm, didn't notice that in the article. Could you elaborate? All I see is that the funding goes to the music program.

Awesome, we agree!

As a student, parent, or teacher at that school, I would be absolutely LIVID that a $10,000 grant was being refused.

I should illegal for him to get this much personal air time during an election. Cameo appearance are one thing, but this is too much. Fuck you Lorne, and everything you stand for.

I read this essay elsewhere and I specifically clicked on this article to note how many male commentators would be outraged about this. I feel this is basically the norm for the AV Club comments. Every time I read an article about a woman in general, I have to prepare myself for the onslaught of the MRAters.

I wonder if Conan is getting into a little Letterman-like situation with her. She's being featured a lot lately.

I guess 'soft' is the operative word?

Then how exactly is she a bigot? You seemed to make that statement based on this quote.

Raging bigot? From Wiki:. As part of the movement to end slavery in the US, Goulden (her father) welcomed American abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher when he visited Manchester. Sophia Jane Goulden used the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin – written by Beecher's sister Harriet Beecher Stowe – as a regular source of bedtime

Works every time.

Maybe to some people. I just have a problem with someone complaining about an acting opportunity that they were offered. Bill Murray is also a notoriously picky person, but he probably appreciated the opportunity, or at least saw the merit in 'just one day of shooting'. Also his mentioning of 'some movie I did 30

" Yes, I am picky, and I’ll continue to be picky. Picky has worked for me.”

Parenthood was good at one time? My mother forced me to watch it with her recently, and I could barely contain myself.

Well, I will say I forgot about his performance in Little Shop of Horrors - which I did enjoy. But man, Strange Brew, Brewster's Millions, Club Paradise, the 2 Honey movies, and Parenthood are all movies I find insufferable. I will go to the mat for Spaceballs, but I thought he gave the most uneven performance in