
Ok, now Go way, batin'.

Apparently Kanye West thinks he's some kind of 'genius'. Hopefully this will prove once and for all that West is a blowhard, low talent douche.

That film becomes more and more prophetic every year. Also, welcome to Costco, I love you.

Only if money, jewelry, or real estate is involved. ;)

I'm saying that I'm not going to let anti feminists force me to stop calling myself a feminist.

You keep referring to this so-called contemporary feminist movement, but you're not providing any concrete evidence. Trying to tell me what to call myself seems like a toxic, trolling thing to do.

The question isn't whether a word has 'evolved' (in this case I would call it devolved) it's about who is forcing the change in meaning. Also, your argument has nothing to do with liberalism.

I wasn't implying that, I was just making a point that there are various forms. Do you think you have a better understanding about it because you're not American or something?…
Edit: Truce. There's no use in our continued debate.

Who's behaving like 'jerks'? Aren't you female? I know you and I have gotten into heated debates about social political issues, and you called me out for being insensitive on issues regarding race. The language you're using here is disruptive. Edit: I was confusing you with someone else. My Bad.

Political language is redefined frequently. I think you're the one who needs to read those articles because they explain all of the different types of liberalism (classical, social, etc) and socialism. In fact there is a specific article regarding socialism in the US.…

I'm in no way a 'sort of kinda lefty' person. How do you not understand the distinction of democratic socialism? Are you lumping me in with all Americans? Who stopped believing in socialist tenents? For someone who seems so focused on my misuse of semantics, you're sorta kinda all over the place.

Thanks for the support, I'm a 'she' however. :)

Notice at the very top of that Wiki article, there are links to different types of liberalism. I am a social liberal, which does not conflict with Democratic Socialist. Looking at this is issue with such black & white terminology is not helping. Also Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist.

Sanders (in his words) is a liberal Democratic Socialist. Which basically means taxes should work for citizens and not big business. Also liberalism means that he believes religion should stop dictating what is legally acceptable.

Socialism concerns economics and liberalism concerns behavioral issues.

Also, I have to say Bizarro, you've surprised me with this one.

We shouldn't let opponents redefine our words. I'm a feminist, I'm a liberal, and I'm a socialist. I take pride in those labels, and 'conservatives' can pry them from my cold death mouth.

Oh Suzanne.

Feel that Bern!

He played an idiot doctor with a hook hand who dated Liz.