
Watch out for that first step — it's a doozy.

I'm truly excited about this one. The music is great, and it won't be the Aryan fest that was Sound of Music or the creep fest that was Peter Pan.

' decommissioned Nickelodeon Gak' —- Points! I could not figure out what that shit reminded me of. My fave was the Floam, which was Gak with tiny Styrofoam balls mixed in it.

He's so super sexy in that thing, surprisingly.

Was it established she is only 11?

He's definitely the most successful add on, and it makes sense that there would have been more people in charge other than Beth.

I investigated, and apparently he was performing Elephant Man on Broadway while filming was taking place. He had to do some promotional work in LA for a couple of days, which is when his scenes were filmed. DJ Ski Mask—brilliant!

He's a little red headed Nick Kroll. In Rich Dick mode.

'Maybe a four-hour prequel movie is exactly what First Day Of Camp is supposed to be.' Yes, without a doubt. This is the first time I've every truly binge- watched a Netflix series, and it felt right the whole time.

I wouldn't call that his scene per se. It did seem like padding, though.

A curse on anyone who doesn't think Rose was likable.

This will once and for all provide the answer to, "Why does this season of True Detective suck compared to last season?".

That's funny, however He did die in 1975 and The National Review began in 1955.

Very true.Wiki: ' One consequence of World War I was the Russian Revolution of 1917, and during the inter-war years the magazine was generally positive in its assessment of the Soviet Unionand Joseph Stalin. it reversed course with the start of the Cold War in 1947'. But I don't think this needs to be a competition

In the context of our era, it seems egregious. I might be reading this wrong, but the people were using that imagery to protest the war. It wasn't an articulate action, however it was uncommon at that time for people (especially those serving) to protest any war. It was a messy time in our nation's history.

It's important to note that Vidal called Buckley a Nazi just after Buckley called the war protestors at the convention Nazis. Vidal quipped that Buckley was the only Nazi he saw and then Buckley lost his grip. So Vidal didn't really bait him in that moment.

Outstanding observation and one of the many reasons he was one of a kind.

We should also remember that the National Review wrote praising obituaries for Franco and proclaimed that Mussolini was a great leader whose only mistake was aligning with Hitler.

Comparing him to Stewart even seems unfair. Jon was 37 when he began TDS. He had a previous (if derided and cancelled) talk show and had been doing stand since his early 20s.

For me, it all comes down to writing. I haven't really enjoyed any Daily Show ep since Rich Blomquist left. He was there from 2003 to 2012 and wrote 'Earth The Book'. Also, this would have been a good time to get a female host; or maybe a male and female both. These are ways CC could have revamped the format a bit so