
This season is much better than last season. It's still a formulaic show, but what isn't on CBS. Maybe I'm just can't resist the hotness that is Jeffrey Dean Morgan. The special effects are pretty decent too.

I think Veep has a very good chance of winning, really. It's not been their best season, but it's the type of show that usually is popular with the academy.

As always, some hits and misses. Some of the glaring misses were expected, though. I was surprised that The Americans got anything, and a nomination for writing is the best chance for them. Tatiana finally got a deserved nod, which isn't as surprising but inspiring nonetheless.

'They're not your average ordinary people'

I'm sure it won't be as 'adult and real-world' as Meet the Feebles-my all time fave Peter Jackson film.

I hope so because I need to see Ms P interviewing some real life celelbs.

I didn't catch that. If so, they're even stupider for not retrieving that weapon and some point.

I can see your point about the meta-ness of it all, and I think that we were meant to feel the claustrophobic nature of the cabin. But man is that a risky move for a season opener. Maybe we're giving the producers and writers too much credit? I'll choose to look at it from your perspective though, since I hate being

Didn't catch that. Maybe it's because I've only seen images of him in B&W. Color me corrected!

Ha! I'm not surprised by that info.

Right, and they usually from Vince Vaughn.

Yikes, why the snarkiness at the end there? Mocking me personally doesn't make your point valid. Especially when I've gone out of my way to acknowledge the subjectiveness of these debates.

By people, I meant the untainted audience members that you've spoken about. Many films have received accolades and awards nominations despite their many flaws. As you've pontificated all through this thread, critics don't represent the reactions of civilian movie goers. And many non paid observers find the film

Jesus, right! Way too much vitriole against people not getting 'amped up'.

It's a matter of opinion, of course, but Apocalypse Now is not considered to be a good or semi engaging film by many people. Hence the reason Coppola's wife made the behind the scenes doc and depicting the absolute chaos that was the filming process. I mean most of the actors were high or drunk as shit and they often

Ani's quote regarding old memories, 'they remember you, you don't remember them'. Such a groaner, ugh.

His uselessness was a shame considering the considerable talents if W Earl Brown.

I had a prolonged argument with my bf about that. He thought I was off base, but IRL Ani would be in deep shit for orchestrating that. I think they clearly made some tactical errors in rushing that ambush. At the very least they were ill-prepared with the weapons.

I may be erroneously stereotyping here, but your Avatar begs to differ.

Mine too. The app is ony home page next to my email icon.