
I am pro union in general so I pretty much agree with your statement as is and don’t think it requires an apology to the drivers. Uber and other ride-shares came into existence to circumvent unionized cab companies. They were never out to make sure their ‘independent contractors’ could make a living. In the last

Grumpy Cat says:       

“I want to smell like Johnny Depp’s pancho after his vision quest through the desert.” -Nobody Ever

Isn’t the house classic? The columns date all the way back to 1972.

“If you’re looking for batsuit nipples, look no further than New York’s hottest club is Schumacher. It’s got everything: Collaborating with Halston, losing five years in a drug-induced stupor, discovering young actors who would later succumb to tragedy, the AIDS crisis, his sex life, and bad reviews...It’s that

Thank God I have never had a friend or relative post some horrid shit on social media that I ignored or just plain old didn’t see.

Greetings, BattleHawks!

I’m looking forward to the Guardians-Defenders game, where each team just squats in front of their end zone glaring at each other. 

The 1955 Burger is much better than the 1945 Burger, which is just unexploded ordnance on a sesame-seed bun.

Confederate statues - “We need them! We need them as...uh...a constant reminder that slavery is bad! So we can learn from history or something!”

Chrissi Bixler is married to Cedric Bixler Zavala the lead singer of At The Drive In, who i follow on instagram. a little while back, Cedric started calling out not only Mastersson, but people he believed were helping to cover up and dissuade Chrissie from speaking out. he’s even publicly asked Beck to step in and

Antifash Gordon has been quick to do his homework today.

There may be some truth in this.

And in conclusion, may I please remind you that it does not say “RSVP” on the Statue of Liberty.

A woman who procured for Epstein witnessed Trump rape a minor.She was 13 and “loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect” as stated in the affidavit file at the NY Southern Dist.

Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

Eh, I think that saying “life begins at conception” has a very different connotation than just discussing “life,” because our legal system codifies different types of lives in very different ways, and I don’t think that it boils entirely down to the “amount of control we give the government over our bodies” as you

This kid is 3 years from sexually assaulting a girl in a frat house and about 20 years from being in the House of Representatives.

Ah, I love her, if only because she is indirectly but partly responsible for the ascension of Barack Obama the presidency.

I had to basically be invaluable during legislative session to get the “ability” to work remotely until the day I was induced despite the fact that my doctor wanted me to start my leave around 34 weeks when I started to have preterm labor.  I gave birth overdue and worked up until the last minute - only a week