Really well written as usual, Paul.
Really well written as usual, Paul.
Let’s talk about prioritizing white birth. Just take a moment to enter the mind of a white supremacist...
Look, I get you’re doing churnalism, not journalism, but the arrests had already been made well over a month ago, so that wasn’t the news here. The story only hit the headlines again this week because formal charges were brought and a court date was set.
Sometimes unprofessional wakes people the fuck up! I appreciate this man so much. I had to fan myself just to stay cool on the fringes of those sick burns.
Your first question implies an untruth: that everyone who comes to the border crossing is given an audience. They aren’t. Your second question is both rhetorical and asinine. Since you know the latter is the only choice when the former is denied, but the latter also is illegal and therefore disqualifies them anyway.…
Richard Dawson’s Ghost approves of this invasion.
I didn’t even know they had laws in Florida.
It seems I’m one of the only people who still likes this show now, because apparently the idea that a show whose only long-running theme that rulership by birth is destructive at best and when led by ill rulers is horrifying in totality, ending with yet another ill-ruler with a longstanding history of…
He added: “The New Zealand mosque murderer was actually a left-wing, self-described ‘eco-fascist’ who also published a manifesto praising Communist China as ‘the nation with the closest political and social values to my own.’”
Unfortunately, she was only a holographic simulation, which is why she was eventually replaced by Skoda.
I personally think if the Fab 5 just focused on telling them to execute the basic responsibilities of just being an average accountable adult, that some of the men they were helping would still not grasp it. I find it is was more effective of them to use the “Self Care” angle to introduce concepts like that to…
I’ve been following the anti-vax movement both online and in person for over ten years. I’ve attended two Autism One Conferences, where McCarthy was the keynote speaker, and was kicked out of both when I was recognized as the blogger who writes critically of these people. The conferences are one part trade show, and…
Charlottesville local and former civil rights journalist here. The man in the photo is well-known to local police and is extremely mentally ill. Those cops on the Downtown Mall deal with him all the time and knew from personal experience what they could expect from him and how to resolve a situation with him. While…
Stop your “stinkin’ thinkin’”. We are trying to be optimists here!
Paid family leave, fracking ban, legalizing same-sex marriage, extremely strong gun control, raising minimum wage (I’m wary of $15/hr, but for another time), tuition-free plan for state colleges, etc.
While I don’t ever want to dismiss a complaint about sexual assault or harassment, in this case Ms Salazar may be both a terrible political candidate and a truthful victim.
The Electoral College was not invented to prevent Trump, notwithstanding the so-called Hamilton theory of the EC. The real reasons for the EC are (1) slavery; and (2) the fact that states made up their own qualifications for voting. And those two reasons are closely related.