
Excuse me, but the Polish cavalry did not “cave” in 1939. The Polish cavalry, by then a fully mechanized force, fought in some of the worst of the Polish resistance fighting, suffered some of the highest casualty rates, and covered the evacuation of civilians from the German advance in spite of coming under severe

Ann Petry. Tragically overlooked participant of the Harlem Renaissance, and important voice of the Double V campaign. Author of The Street, the first novel to earn a female African American author the million-copies-sold designation, and an absolute goddamn masterpiece.

Education. Everyone needs education: A scientific education. A political education. A social education. If people want religious education, they can go and fund that themselves. All other forms of education should be free to everyone. It should give everyone the tools they need to function completely in our society.

Even though SATC is hailed for being groundbreaking, I still view it as a pretty conservative show when it comes to being single. None of the women seem to be genuinely happy while they are single, except for Samantha, and even she had a few breakdowns whenever she was alone and had nobody to unzip a dress, undo a

Fox Force Five!

Dear Internet Stranger,

I didn’t say, “media,” I said, “culture.” There’s a difference:

They even rip on girls cosplaying “she’s just a slut trying to get attention”. Uh...even if that is true...isn’t she trying to get your nerd attention? Instead of being angry, compliment her outfit, talk about the manga/comic/game if you know welcoming, don’t go into every situation like an angry “gatekeeper”.

Bingo! They’re always trying to claim sandboxes as their own. They think every experience, every space, is their own. Being socially ostracized by the other boys is one thing— but allowing a socially-ostracized girl into ‘your’ sandbox is worse. :P

To me, this story, and the way it lays out the female experience of being considered undateable in our culture, points up something invaluable: That the feelings of rejection, anger, despair, even rage, are really similar between men and women. What’s different, of course, is how the protagonists choose to deal with

Thanks for this review. This book keeps popping up on my feeds everywhere, and I was uncertain if it would be something I would want to spend my time on. Seems like my doubts were justified.

It’s a fucking shame that career civil servants are experiencing backlash for staying in and doing their jobs. Almost any political appointee is fair game for that sort of criticism. But most career civil servants have served, and will serve, presidents of both parties. They don’t choose their president, the American

My favorite sign today: “As a black boy I just hope that one day I have as many rights as a gun”

They look like Draco Malfoy’s goons.

Don’t do this. Don’t pick apart non perfect allies when they do something good. Kudos to them for moving forward and helping the fight to equality. Not excusing anything they’ve done in the past, but they deserve a handshake for this one.

Why the fuck would they offer an employee money for nothing? They weren’t her friends, they weren’t her family.

I also enjoyed the piece. I thought the author was trying to capture “Why didn’t Brendan end up with a larger career?” and it was a million different reasons: injuries, family issues, sexual harassment, low-self esteem made worse by harassment. I mean, sure he’s got a pretty steady IMDB page but there are a lot of bit

He should have a room full of Oscars by now. I will be furious if DDL upsets.

I am 60 years old. In case it helps, I’m going to tell you what I know.