
I’m not proud of it, but the closest I’ve gotten to being That Middle-Aged White Woman Who Wants to Speak to Your Manager has been when my food delivery order hasn’t come. There’s something elementally enraging about it.

Not ever going to get over Sarsour’s tweet about Ayaan Hirsi Ali - you don’t tell a woman who’s been subjected to FGM that she deserves to have her vagina taken away. Sarsour is trash.

Well, he has about 7 kids that he’s successfully taking care of.

Yeah, I’m not sure copying a fairly generic look really qualifies as stealing someone’s intellectual property. Also, it’s one thing to have an outfit made to wear; it would be another if she started selling copies of the original look.

Yeah, you’ll pry my eyeliner from my cold, dead hands. That said, I know what it is to have smudged eyeliner that needs cleaning up by the end of the day; I don’t know if the smudged look is deliberate or not on Britney?

Yeah, that looked SO inedible.

The thing I don’t get about all the people ostentatiously trying the Popeye’s sandwich is that everyone knows that fast food becomes mostly inedible once it gets cold. Popeye’s chicken sandwiches delivered to a plane and consumed on the plane at some later time (even if it’s just after takeoff) are probably not going

Kids, don’t in-breed.

Yeah, they don’t really have those in movie theaters here anymore. None that I go to, anyway.

Well, I was probably being a little flip. If someone wants to sit through all four hours of Cleopatra in a theater (a movie I actually enjoy in small doses), have at it.

I think it’s probably better on balance for me to see those things at home, even if I’m missing out on the big screen experience. There are a lot of long movies I love - Dr. Zhivago, Godfather I and II, and others - but I just don’t have the patience to sit down in a theater and watch them for three hours straight. 

Yeah, I kind of like the notion of movie theater intermissions. It seems very civilized somehow.

Yeah, I noticed that too - I kept expecting the intermission and then there was more. I really did like the show, I’m just impatient and apparently have a short attention span. I am a huge reader and love to read, but even that - I’m not one of those people who can sit and read a book for four hours straight. The only

So much. Especially the last one with its 15 false endings. (I blame myself because I am NOT a LOTR person but somehow saw all three in theaters.)

I firmly believe that all movies should be between 90 and 120 minutes, maybe slightly more given for weighty subject matter. My attention span (and my ass, assuming I’m seeing it in the theater) can’t handle more than that.

I know a certain subset of fans consider it part of the experience but I have always hated hecklers. They’re not clever; they’re just “look at me” jerks trying to make themselves part of the show. 

I particularly liked the person who edited his Wikipedia page to identify him as a bedbug. Because I’m mature like that.

Bret Stephens is so fucking disingenuous all the time. It’s maddening and gross. Sometimes I think I almost prefer the asshole Trumpist trolls who don’t at least pretend that they’re rational, decent people.

I know by even commenting on him I’m contributing to paying attention to him but I wish he would go away.

Throwing up stomach acid - the worst.