
I think that more powerful than those late night jokes were the women who stepped up and said "Ive had enough I'm going to tell what happened to me. I'm going to be truthful about it. I'm going to tell you about how much it hurt. How it changed my life." I think those were more powerful than the jokes, that were

Has the definition of justice changed to you over the years?

Hi Professor Hill, I would also like to say thank you for your courage. I suffered sexual harassment at my first job post-college, and as I sought ways to advocate for myself, I often turned to your story to find the strength in myself to move forward. My question is: what were your coping mechanisms through the

I'm going to go ahead and admit it: my boyfriend has more hobbies and interests than I do. He mountain bikes more, chats with his internet communities more, and listens to more music. A lot of the time I feel I honestly don't have time for hobbies. I could be combing through new music on Spotify every day, but I have

You know, I find it odd that a website that berates women for not calling themselves feminist, and is so frustrated by the number of stay at home moms and unbroken glass ceiling, is now berating women as "lazy assholes" for wanting to spend less time and effort cooking. Sorry I'm womaning wrong for you, but I thought

Honestly, I think this is what comes of our 24-hour cable news culture. To fill the time, fake controversies are created and fake experts are put up to argue nonsense, and over time the idea that there are two sides, equally deserving of airtime, to every fact becomes an accepted stance. People with actual degrees

Yeah, I dunno - I'm really getting an anti-science, "noble native" vibe from this interview. Could just be my perspective.

If she is spreading nonsense about GMO, then she is not " all kinds of great."

Okay, um, that was rude, but that sentence was in reference to the plane being diverted somewhere else with the passengers still alive and on board. Which means they landed somewhere. So presumably they are not still at 30,000 feet in the middle of the "freaking ocean."

Can we get a shout out for Huggs? Seriously, what the hell even is this nuclear garbage?

Wait but seriously- what about these:

I fucking LOVED dunkaroos.

I got about 90 seconds into the first episode. I couldn't understand any words they were saying, and when they showed the corpse I got up and said "Fuck this shit. I don't care, I can't understand it, and I'm tired of watching shows about dead women." My husband pleaded "Remember Twin Peaks" but I have better things

Now playing

One of my favourite female comedians is Sarah Millican, partly because of her wonderful North East English accent.

Now playing

Maria Bamford! All day, every day, funniest person I can think of, Maria Bamford:

Oil pulling is like faux-science bingo. Removes toxins? Check! Ancient [insert non-white people] practice? Check! All over my Pinterest? BINGO!

That. is. amazing!

It's the same as total immersion in the Faux "News" universe*. All a person hears on Faux is "everyone else is lying about everything; we're the only place that'll tell you the truth." Of course, WE all know they're the liars, but to a True Believer, all the rest of us are lying. Once you're fully indoctrinated,