
Do it, do it, do it! I know that the schooling is very difficult and can be crazy frustrating, but the money is amazing. I worked for a legal support firm a few years ago and would process court reporters' invoices. KA-CHING!

Oh yeah, I've heard of that camp.

I'm a huge Hiddleston fan, and I will openly admit that the Henrys were not the strongest part of that series. Ben Whishaw absolutely killed it in Richard II. I like the Henry plays, but they got sort of dragged down by Falstaff, who is way over the top, and Jeremy Irons, who godzilla'd his way through his lines.

My husband once borrowed my sunglasses and now only buys ladies. The best part? Guys complement him ALL the time on them, and he tells them them they are from the women's department. They are never sure what to think, but I hope he has inspired one or two to give it a try.

The my-first-mustache/crustache is even worse.

The skeezer douchestache isn't helping, either.

Love this movie. My college Women's Studies class professor showed it to us and we spent a good amount of time talking about it.

Sorry to hear you're going through trouble. I can totally relate on the "leaving school for reasons in my control" front - it sucks and I remember feeling so bad and weird when all of my friends went back to school and I was living with my parents and working at crappy retail job.

Ah, see ... I get it. NOW, I get it. And by that I mean now I kind of want it.

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I'm sorry Madeleine but you are mistaken. THIS is the best rendition of "Wuthering Heights" ever.

I really enjoyed it. I had to watch it twice to really get that the little girl was ***

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Patton Oswalt kinda set the bar pretty high on "cray cray sex stories."


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I will thank Avicci for introducting me to Aloe Blaac (the actual uncredited singer on wake me up) All Avicci did was set up some lame house music over a much better song. Aloe is the real artist IMO.

Yogurt is usually 99% lactose free - the bacteria breaks down the lactose for you.

No, no, you're fine. I am just overly wary of the Cumbercollective.