
I love that the little Van Gogh peep has one ear missing. It made me smile and squee a little.

It's interesting that you dock the regular Hershey bar as "not being chocolate" when "white chocolate" is the farthest thing from actual chocolate. It's amazing they can get away with calling it chocolate seeing as how there is like zero cocoa in it. It's just a sugar bar....and it's disgusting. 5 year olds like it

I always thought it was a nickname that Puff Daddy gave her and then used it in public to brand herself. It became a persona that differed wildly from 'On the 6'.

Do you think it's the fact that he did something big like that spontaneously? Maybe it makes you feel like he might do something like that in the future with something as equally important. Or maybe it could be that he asked for your advice and then proceeded to ignore it? I'm a worrier too, so I feel your pain.

I was intrigued by the first one, loved the second one, was ok with the third one and the fourth one was too much. The second one hit the sweet spot because it tied in perfectly with the first one and yet advanced the story. The kitchen scene where all the doors fly open scared the shit out of me! I am alone on this

I found some neeeeww ones.

Why is it that things that women traditionally enjoy are dismissed as being boring or unimportant whereas anything that men traditionally enjoy are INTERESTING and WORTHY OF CONSTANT DISCUSSION? I've always been bothered by this. It's somehow a badge of honor for a woman to proclaim, "I just don't get along with women

Did I hear correctly at 1:00? Is the lyric: "We started at the bottom, now we're almost even"?

We named ours Jenny 2.0 because it did everything I didn't/wouldn't do. She was quite pushy and unless you had the doors completely closed, she would burst through to continue her directive: clean until you die. Often we would find her, battery dead, under our bed.

The pure joy and happiness has really helped me today. I've been in a terrible mood and I like the theme of overcoming insurmountable obstacles to find true happiness. <3 Just awesome.

I'm replying just to agree, agree, AGREE!

Do men get dismissed as whores or "only there to suck dicks" when they show up...even AFTER proving themselves? It doesn't stop for women when they do show they have talent. This is what men like you don't get. Men get a chance to prove that they aren't that good, women are automatically perceived that way. Even if

The author didn't make it a contest.

Right, because you never made a mistake or did something stupid as a teenager. The only difference is you didn't have thousands of people/strangers witnessing and mocking your mistake. So, be judgmental all you want. It says way more about you than it does about her. :)

My meter for fucked up crime scenes was maxed out by Hannibal. Just incapable of tolerating that anymore. It's funny that there was an article about that on Jezebel because I was incredibly uncomfortable with another show getting heaps of praise for showing murdered women (again) and being cynical about life (again).

Oh my God...thank you for that! That's perfect. I felt like maybe I wasn't paying enough attention because I couldn't understand what was going on. Looks like I'm not alone.

She is fabulous on QI. Love her!

So...I'm really trying to watch True Detective and it's just not working for me. I've watched the first two episodes and...yikes. I'm pretty much done with another show that gleefully shows a mutilated woman's corpse just to be "gritty" and "shocking". Neither character is likable, at all. It's slow paced and it jumps

This reminds me of a great quote from Maria Bamford:

In 5th grade I had to do a dance routine incorporating some tumbling moves we had learned in P.E. We got to pick our song and I, being the sheltered, naive girl that I was, picked the song 'Pony' by Ginuwine. I was so proud of myself at the time because it wasn't 'Barbie Girl' by Aqua. I liked Pony because it had that