I can function on my period!?! Madness.
I can function on my period!?! Madness.
...to wake women up ...
I think the issue people have, like other posters have pointed out, is when somebody Photoshops something out that you didn't think was a flaw. It's all great when it's what YOU wanted taken out or changed, but when the editor takes it upon themselves to determine what is and isn't acceptable that's where the problems…
I work in a shoe department and have a constant stream of Skecher brand loyalty who all swear by the GoWalk shoes. I got curious, tried on a pair and it felt like magic. It's so strange because they look just like any other slip-on shoe, but it is oh so different when they are actually on your foot. Of course, to each…
That would look eerily similar to a chastity belt, I'm afraid.
Oh, don't worry about the uterus falling out. A woman's body has ways of shutting that down.
Oh God, he's wearing glasses. This is not a drill....
Or he just really hates the baseball team.
I was gonna suggest this too! I second it! :)
Can I just take this time to say that your gif is definitely in HD. That is a really clear picture. Random, I know.
True story.
I mean, they're calling it "affluenza" as in affluent. That pretty much sums it up. There is no way the irony is lost on anybody, is there?
I know! I'm the exact same way. Every time I say something like, "Yeah, I'm not really into blondes or beards..." I see a blonde guy with a beard and I'm instantly a liar. That will teach me to generalize.
One of the steps for achieving The Wob is to: add oil. Yikes.