
Ok, look. I apologize. I didn't mean for it to sound that bad, I'm just in a bit of a mood. What I meant by the statement is this: For a dude bro like Justin Bieber (who is always on a mission to look as manly and cool as possible) to wear women's shades is perfect. It was just typed really fast and irresponsibly. I

Did you not see the next word in the post? REGARDLESS OF THE GLASSES HE IS WEARING. That means, it doesn't matter what kind of sunglasses he is wearing, he is still horrible. But go ahead, self righteous anger makes a lot of people feel better about themselves. Especially on the internet.

hahahahahahahahahaha, fuck off. Seriously.

Those are most definitely women's sunglasses. Regardless of what shades he is wearing, he is still making THAT FACE.

Taking a semester off of school, due to circumstances that were totally in my control but I fucked up, and I'm going to use one of my friends to learn how to read music. Why the hell not? I'm tired of sleep walking through life. I need something to stimulate my brain so I can stop being sad all the time. I broke up

To me, I feel like I'm taking a stand when I get to defiantly say I don't give a shit about sports. It's usually said with derision when guys say, "Oh girls don't like sports" so I get to snap back, "You're damn right, I don't give a shit about sports."

I don't just "kind of" want it. I want it all and I want it now.

How can people prefer the dark hair over this? HOW, I ASK YOU!?!

I actually saw it. It's...different. It's also a little disturbing, but intriguing nonetheless. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Well, they can dere-lick-my-balls.

I bought Little Favour when it came out. I'm such a good little fan! ^_^

The only reason that I am on the mom's side is because of the stupid, smug and insufferable look on that guy's face as he's hiding behind all of his friends and calling her names. That guy was asking for a kick to the face.

That kiss though.....the scene that launched a thousand gifs.


I think so, but I'm talking about ways that aren't exactly legal....

Trying to watch Sherlock. Yeah TV people, I'm gonna wait 2 weeks to watch it here in The States. Sure....the site I'm using is not being nice and it's driving me nuts.

I will always recommend Queen. Always.

Yes! I am horribly, horribly lactose intolerant and yogurt is a godsend.

Oh dear, that is a scary thought. To be honest, I'm tired of the Sherlock branch of the fandom. They really get on my nerves. I've only just made the discovery that a majority of them are really young. As in, still in high school young. Yikes.