My grandmother used to say “even an idiot knows that the sky is blue”.
You think Trump might remember something that didn’t happen to him personally?
Do you think that was deliberate or just some tiny part in the back of Trump’s deteriorating brain made a Scalise-baseball-guns connection and ran with it?
You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.
Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.
Here’s one more: The sheriff’s deputy on duty at Parkland apparently lost his nerve during the shooting and never tried to engage the shooter.
Re-posting this again: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/12/16418524/us-gun-policy-nra
I wish someone would sit this blithering idiot down and tell him that the Second Amendment only protects the right to bear arms.
I’m teaching my kid to say FUCK BOOTLICKERS so yeah if she read a senator for filth she’d probably have Christmas in February.
I absolutely hate that argument because when you apply it to anything else, it reveals how absurd it is. Just because something could be obtained/done illegally doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bother taking action against them.
Are we really going to start getting in her ass NOW about her fucking atrocious “singing”?
Yeah, show me the systematic history of men’s oppression (by women) via the objectification and control of men’s bodies (by women) and then we can start to compare Leslie Jones calling an athlete sexy to what men do to women.
“We are knitting a blanket for our president’s child,”
Is Trump blaming this guy’s neighbors and classmates? What were they supposed to do? “Come arrest this guy, he’s disturbed”?
In my short time at a department store I saw this and promptly understood why humans learned to hate other humans. Just grifter-y money seeking behavior.
I work at a department store and it is mind-boggling what people will bring in.
Yes and No?
The Welcome to the Resistance lines were clearly sarcasm.
There are some pretty funny Tweets.